How to Make Your Writing More Fabulous

writingDear Students,

You have been working on a planning page for a mystery story you will begin writing.  We talked about the elements of a story (protagonist, antagonist, setting, plot, character traits, problem and solution etc.) and several literary devices that will certainly add more pizzazz to your stories, poems and descriptive paragraphs.  Boys and girls please tell me am example of each device you have learned to share with everyone. 

15 thoughts on “How to Make Your Writing More Fabulous

  1. – A protagonist is the hero in the story and usually has to solve the problem.
    – An antagonist is the villain in the story and usually creates the problem.
    – The setting is where the story takes place.
    – The plot is the events that happen in the story they are usually Man vs Man, Man vs Himself, and Man vs Nature
    – Character traits is a way to show what the character is like. for example, kind, pretty, etc.
    – The problem is what happens in the story that the protagonist has to solve.
    – The solution is when the protagonist solves the conflict.

  2. simile 1)The man held his head as high as a giraffe.
    simile 2)My mother’s face was as white as a ghost.
    metaphor 3)It’s raining cats and dogs.
    metaphor 4)The cat’s eyes were glowing with fire.
    onomatopoeia 5) The waves splooshed onto the deck of the ship.

    1. Nice work, Brian! Thanks for sharing your writing ideas.. I really like them. In your second metaphor you can change it to: The cat’s eyes were a glowing fire. That way it is that thing.
      Ms. G

  3. An example of a simile is : The Egyptian pyramids are as pointy as an ice cream cone.
    An example of a metaphor is : The giant boulder is a wall.
    Some examples of onomatopoeia is : Bang!!! Chirp!! Meow!!! Boo!!! Kaboom!!! Boing!!! Moo!!!! Crash!!!!!
    (sorry I did it wrong the first time Ms. Gabas)
    ~ Sonia

  4. A simile- his glasses were round like a ball.
    A metaphor-the neck of the bottle was a straw thin and still
    A onomatopoeia-pop, boom, smash, and crash

  5. Ex.

    Simile- Her face was as beautiful as a queen
    Metaphor- She sang and danced like a superstar
    Onomatopoeia- before you know it BANG he slamed the

  6. 1) Simile:
    When the season ends for flowers, flower petals fall like delicate autumn leaves falling to the ground.
    The sky is clear blue as the nice, cool ocean that flows away.

    2) Metaphor:
    The fast, speedy whirlpool in the ocean was a quick lightning bolt that blasts out of nowhere.
    The beautiful leaves on the trees are a multi-colored rainbow that shoots across the blue sky.

    3) Onomatopoeia: boom, oink, whoosh, buzz, boing, bruim, woof, miaw, bang

  7. Simile: The leaf was like a snowflake dancing in the wild, crazy wind.

    Metaphor: The bird was a song telling me a beautiful story.

    Onomatopoeia: Crash, boom, bang, whoosh, oink, moo, buzz!!!

    Protagonist: The main character of the story

    Antagonist: The villan, evil character of the story

  8. Ms. Gabas I am having a fun time illustrating and typing our story’s and I’m super excited to read them into the I pads . Thanks ms.gabas for having such fun activities for us todo in class.

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