Britannia Mine Museum

Hi Everyone!  Didn’t we have the best time on our field trip to Britannia Mine Museum?  It truly was one of my favorites I have ever been on.  It was so nice to see you all so excited when you were searching for gold and other hidden gems in the gravel.  We got a glimpse of how addicting it most likely was for the prospectors to keep  searching for the big strike.  Boys & girls, what were some of the highlights of this trip?  What did you learn?  Invite your parents to share the pictures and tell them about your trip!IMG_2136

25 thoughts on “Britannia Mine Museum

  1. I learned that they copper for many things and there were tons of copper in the rivers. The drills they used were very loud so there were alot of deaf miners. It was dark when they mined, so they use a candle, or that blow torch thingy. I had a nice time.

    1. I learned that they used copper for many things in the mine it was very dark so they used candeles, blowtorch, and headlaps the mine was really fun.
      (P.S i enjoyed the hony wagon.)

  2. I enjoyed the Mining Museum a lot! My favourite part was when we were pretending to be like prospectors mining for gold! I learned that Britannia used to be a town/city where people would live, but people began to move away because of the copper so they turned Britannia to a museum! It was a fun time and I hope I can go to Britannia again in the future!
    -Mika L.

  3. i found Himitite silver 2 Cortes and Decembers birthstone
    i learned that mining really pollutes. mining is hard.

  4. I really enjoyed when we all got to go gold panning.
    I found 2 pieces of gold, 1 piece of crystal, and 1 piece of fools gold which I never thought I would find.
    I learned that the first way to mine was with a hammer. You would put it on the stone and mine it normally without any drills or anything!

    I had a really good time!

  5. Some of my favourite things were the dinosaur print, train ride, gold panning, and the giant mining truck. Some things I learned were the shovle was called a mucking stick, the honey wagon was the toilet and the new guy pushed it around. The place shut down because not lots of copper left and place cost to much.

  6. My Favourite parts of this field trip was everything. I learned that you had to take around 300 steps to go to work and to go home. I found little gems and gave them all to Jamie! I didn’t want them anyways.

  7. My most favorite part of the field trip would have to be either gold panning or the dinosaur footprint. I learned that some people think that the great wall of china is the only man made structure you can see from space but sometimes they dig out big holes and take out all the ore to look for copper, and somewhere in Europe it’s so big you can see one from space

  8. The highlights of Britannia Mine Museum was finding gold with a gold pan. I was soooooooo upset at Chris, becuase when I found my gold and when I called him to know if that was a gold, he said that he can’t come. He had to go to other way……..
    But it’s fine now.
    It past.
    I don’t care…..
    Todd, Kengjie, and Morgan gave me some!!!!
    I learn that miners are awesome! Because I couldn’t find any gold, so at the end I kind of give up….. But the miners never gived up.
    Awesome Miners!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Dear Ms.Gabas,
    I LOVED the field trip! It was so much fun! My favourite thing to do there was panning for gold! i only found a a few pieces and Morgan, Todd, and Kengjie gave me some of theirs! I learned that copper was used a lot and was very important to the minors. There was lots of copper in the rivers and lakes. Thank you for bringing us there for that great experience! I didn’t know that mining was so hard!

  10. I learned that the Great Wall of China is NOT the only thing that can be seen from space, and that the Britannia Mine shut down because they were out of copper and they had to pay a lot of money because of the mine’s pollution to the river. My favorite part is the gold panning because it felt like I was a miner that was gold panning.


  11. Brittania was awesome!!! It has always been a dream of mine to go there and now I have. 🙂 Gold panning was so much fun, even though I lost my bag of minerals. I can definetly agree with Minjin.
    I would definetly go again.
    mika m

  12. i had lots and lots of fun i learned that it was a town but people moved and they turned it in to a museum they move because of the copper

  13. i learned that every electronical device has copper in it and i got to experience how loud the machines were. and i got to see the honeywagon, the honeywagon was really intresting that there’s noting covering the sides and the front. the most funnest activity we did was the gold panning i found 10 gems and lost one home which makes it 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I learned that most miners were deaf because they used drills which were really loud! also my favorite part about the field trip was when we went gold panning because we found birth stones, fools gold and REAL GOLD! it was very exciting because it was my first time gold panning and first time riding a “train” into a cave! It was very fun, i hope to go there one day

  15. i loved the mining museum! i learned that mining creates a lot of dust and that pollutes the air. my favourite part was gold panning.

  16. It was amazing! Gold panning was really fun untill i almost fell over because my back spassed out. It hurt. anyways i really loved how the little tunnels down in the mountain were included in the tour. it really was nice to have a sneek peek into our past 😉


  17. I loved the trip to Britannia Mining Museum! it was awsome. even thought it was a long ride I still enjoyed it. I also found gold,ome foles gold, and dimonds!! WOW I would love to go there again.

  18. the field trip to britannia mine museum was AWESOME! my favorite part was when we rided the train to the underground. gold panning was fun too! but it was a pity that i didn’t find gold! i would like to go gold panning again and have better lick next time.

  19. The Brittania museum was fantastic!!!! I really enjoyed this field trip! It was one of the best field trip I ever been to. My favourite part was when we got to use the gold pan and got to search for gold, copper, and gemstone and get to keep them!! Anyway, all the rest was awesome too!! I hope I can go there again!!

  20. I had alot of fun at Brittania. My favorite part is the gold panning because we got to to keep the gold. I learned that there is a drill called widow maker because it killed alot of miners

  21. it was soooo fun and yet,i never ever been there before since in my old school we dont go on field trips like that,my favorite part was finding gold it was fun,REALLY FUN.

  22. Britannia mining museum was great!!! Being under a whole mountain, riding in a bright yellow cart, and panning for tiny crystals,pieces of gold, and colourful rocks all in one field trip was awesome. I loved the view on th bus ride , too. Thanks, Ms. Gabas, for letting us go there!!!

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