White Jade Tiger

Division 5 has started reading “White Jade Tiger” written by Julie Lawson, a teacher turned author of more than twenty books for young readers. Based on actual events in the Fraser Canyon during the building of the CPR, it describes the experiences of Chinese workers as the main character, 13 year old Jasmine, time-travels to Victoria’s Chinatown of the 1880s. With her new mysterious friend, 16-year-old Keung, they travel to the Fraser Canyon where they search for his missing father who, 3 years earlier, had left China for “Gold Mountain” with a jade amulet from ancient times that carries a curse.

Dear Students,

From Chapters 1-13, please post a quote from the book or short summary of an event and your reaction/response to it. (Remember to explain using multiple sentences.)


49 thoughts on “White Jade Tiger

  1. Dear Ms.Gabas
    I love reading White Jade Tiger! It’s so good! So far, my favourite part in the book is when Jasmine was inside the never-ending store and trying to visit Keung in the past to talk to him and learn more about him! I love White Jade Tiger and i’m having so much fun making the pop-up card and I love reading on and on about the book! It’s so interesting! I can’t wait to continue reading the 14th chapter!

  2. Dear,Ms.Gabas
    there are lots of people getting murdered in the dollhouse murders
    3 or more people got murdered.

  3. Dear Ms.Gabas,
    First of all, I love reading White Jade Tiger! Next, an event that I really liked was when Jasmine went in to the never-ending store and went back to the past! When Jasmine entered to the past, I was confused at first until, she went into the store again but it wasn’t from the present! It was from the past! I felt really interested once I read that she went back to the past because I love learning about the past instead of the present! I also felt happy when Jasmine and Keung met but I did feel surprised that Jasmine went back to the past by dressing like a coolie and opening and closing the door of a never-ending store! Anyways, I loved reading White Jade Tiger and I can’t wait to continue reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Floriane,
      I am glad you are enjoying this book. It is one of my favourites. If you could go to the past what time period would you want to visit?,

      1. If I could go back to the past, I would like to visit when the gold rush was happening because I want to see how they dig for gold. Last year, in Mr.Scott’s class, with Ms.Lowe, we used something (I can’t explain it because I don’t really remember what it’s called) to dig gold and we used fake gold! I enjoyed it really much and I would like to go there in the past if I ever had a chance!

  4. Dear: Ms. Gabas,
    So far I am enjoying the book! My favourite part in the story was when Jasmine entered the never-ending store and when she walked through the exit door and entered the past.
    That was my favourite part because I thought it was really cool that she got to the 1880’s because of the exit door in the never-ending store and I was wondering how she got to the past and into the alley in Chinatown, Victoria, it felt really dark and I think Jasmine felt shocked, scared, confused that she was in the present and why is she in the past.

    1. Ms.Gabas,
      I would feel confused because I was just in the present and now I’m in the past. Scared because there might be bad guys there chasing me. Fun because so I can see what it is like to be in the past. I don’t exactly know what I’m going to do when I get there but I will walk around and see things.

  5. Dear Ms.Gabas
    The event I am going to choose is when Keung is on the boat to Victoria from China to earn a fortune for his family. It was the hardest experience in his life! Being afraid and cold. I feel really sad that he is speechless and in pain from this experience. I felt as if I was on the boat being really afraid and not understanding why there were no gold mountains, and only dark trees in the area. The significance of this event is that if he did not experience this coldness and being afraid he wouldn’t be able to endure the things he has been through.

    1. Hi Hugo,
      You show lots of empathy for Keung. It sounds like you think his voyage across the sea had prepared him for the tough life he would face in Victoria. I agree. What can you say about his character? Do you think you could have done what Keung had done?

  6. Dear Ms. Gabas,
    The event I am going to comment about is when Chan Sam took the White Jade Tiger from Blue-Scar Wong and went to work on the railroads to ecape from Blue-Scar Wong. I think Chan Sam is feeling happy because he got the White Jade Tiger back from Blue-Scar Wong and also he might be feeling scared because Blue-Scar Wong would be after him. I think Blue-Scar Wong is feeling angry,mad,and upset that Chan Sam took the White Jade Tiger back from him.

  7. Dear Ms.Gabas, White Jade Tiger; Book By: Julie Lawson
    Tai Chi Scene:
    Jasmine was calmly doing Tai Chi, until her dad came and told her “It’s your Mother” Jasmine’s monther had an accident. Sadly, she did not live.


    I think that it was a very sad moment for Jasmine because her mother died. Just like for all people it’s very hard to move on. I think somewhere in her heart her mother will be. Later on the story, Her dad had to go to China to get a job. Her heart broke when she found out she could not come. Now She cannot see her mother forever. She cannot see her dad for months. How will this book ever end?

  8. Dear Ms. Gabas,
    The event I am going to talk about is Jasmine’s mom dying. It would have been a very hard experience for Jasmine because she has never felt what it’s like to have someone dead. she thought “her mother, dead? No! It was a mistake! She wanted to scream, shout, smash, and pound everything back into place, the way it was”

    1. Dear Nolan,
      This was a very surprising and sad event in the story. Losing a loved one would be very painful. How does Jasmine deal with her mom’s death?

  9. Dear Ms.Gabas
    I’m not reading White Jade Tiger but i’m reading the Dollhouse Murders. The event that i’m going to talk about is about Amy and Ellen and their friends going up to the dollhouse, touching and moving the dolls when they weren’t allowed.
    In chapter 14 at Amy and Ellens birthday ellen sugested to go up to the attic and see the dollhouse but amy said that we have to go and ask aunt clare, aunt clare does’nt want anyone touching the dolls. when Ellen and her friends went and told Aunt Clare that can we go up and see it Aunt Clare said yes but she said that don’t touch it. But when they went to the attic Louann suggested to touch and play with the dollhous.

    1. Dear Haris,
      What would you have done if you were the girls? Have you ever touched something that you shouldn’t have and if so, what was the consequence?

  10. Dear Mrs.Gabas. Jasmine and Keung were feeling really hurt when the two men were saying that white people are better than darker skinned people.


    I actually felt a bit sad as well as Jasmine and Keung when they were calling them Celestials and John. I think those two men only care about themself and are very selfish. I do think Jasmine and keung should have stood up for themself although they were hurt inside and were afraid to stand up for themself because they might of called them more names Jasmine and Keung didn’t know yet.

    1. Dear Alexa,
      What do you think you would have done if you were in their shoes? Why do you think people discriminate against others?

  11. Dear ms. Gabas,The one event that I am going to talk about is the part when Jasmine thinks that she saw when they were going to the Fraser Canyon Blue Scar Wong hiding behind an ox cart because she saw his scar. If I was in Jasmine’s spot I would be really suspicious and curious.(when shes in the 1800)

    1. Dear Deylen,
      What do you call that when you have a feeling about something and you can’t explain it. Have you ever had that happen to you?

  12. Dear Ms. Gabas,
    I will be writing about when Jasmine and Keung were in the boat heading trough the Fraser Canyon.. Jasmine and Keung are waiting like no other person on that boat. The next thing they know is that everyone is whispering about them and staring or pointing at them. Jasmine and Keung felt very uncomfortable. If I was them I’d probably be crying by now. They didn’t even want to take their order at dinner.

    1. Dear Geetika,
      What would you say then about Keung and Jasmine’s character at this point? Did they show their emotions?

    2. They tried to hold it in, I bet jasmine was screaming from the inside though. They would make very good actors! Haha.

  13. Dear Ms.Gabas,
    I love reading White Jade Tiger! My favourite part so far is when Jasmine went to the never ending store she went out of the do not exit but she had came out , Jasmine was at 1881 in Victoria, Canada.
    I think that Jasmine felt lost because if I was Jasmine I would think that I’m in a place I know but don’t know the way out.

  14. Dear Ms.Gabas,
    I am not reading the white jade tiger because I am going to ESL class but the book I’m reading in ESL is the Dollhouse Murders.We read 16 chapters.The main character is Amy and the dollhouse murders is about the dollhouse having many secrets and Amy wants to find out what happen to the dollhouse.Amy has a Aunt name Clare.Aunt Clare’s parents died because they got murdered and her boyfried died in a carcrash.

    1. Dear Renee,
      This book sounds very mysterious….maybe I should read it too. I think you would enjoy reading the White Jade Tiger also.

  15. Dear Ms. Gabas,
    My favourite part of the White Jade Tiger is when Jasmine suddenly remembers how to do Tai Chi. It’s my favourite because of the combination of the calm water, the night sky, the full moon, and the fact that Keung was actually copying her like he went to the same Tai Chi class. The fact that Keung actually copied her touches me because of the happiness the two of them had and the joy.

  16. Dear Ms.Gabas
    The event I’m going to comment about is when two people were on the boat with Keung and Jasmine and were teasing them. I bet the two men thought it was funny. I also think Keung and Jasmine felt hurt when those insults got to them. I would feel sad and furious if someone made fun of my skin colour and thought it was funny

  17. Dear Ms. Gabas, “Blown to shambles, along with the Indians and Chinamen. How many? Oh gosh, I dunno. Indians and Chinamen were never counted.” This quote infuriates me because this is racist and cruel. On the “William Irving”, Jasmine and Keung are harshly bullied by some white men. Even though this was supposed to be in the older times when things were different, this should never happen. It makes people feel most terribly unwanted. SAY NO TO BULLYING!!

  18. Dear Ms. Gabas, this is my quote for White Jade Tiger…”He wasn’t wanted. White people on the board walk stared at him with loathing.” I choose this quote because I thought wow, why are they treating him like that, it is so mean. I think Keung felt like he didn’t belong there but when Dragon Maker let him live at his place I think Keung felt more at home. Especially because he was new to the country, didn’t know the language, didn’t have any friends, and left his family just to find his dad. I think he felt very determined to find his dad. Then he found Jasmine and went to the Fraser Canyon with her, he had gotten one step closer to finding his dad then heard that his dad was nearby. Another step closer!!!

    1. Dear Sonia,
      Yes, Keung must have felt very sad and alone. Your response is very thoughtful. Why do you think some people discriminate others?

    2. I think they discriminate others because maybe something has happened in their own family’s so they rub it on other people.

  19. Dear ms Gabas, in the time we have been reading white jade tiger I have read some funny, sad, and surpprising things. For example when Jasmine hears her dad is going to china she thought the tickets where for the two of them but she had to stay with her aunt Val she was not so thrilled But after she got to her aunts house it turs out that Val is nice and when jasmine steps through that door way boom shes back in the 1800’s

  20. Dear. Ms. Gabas
    I am not reading White Jade Tiger, but I’m reading The Dollhouse Murders in ESL. One situation is Margaret Treloar and James Treloar which is Amy & Louann’s grandparents got murdered in the parlor! At that time Paul which is Amy & Louann’s dad was in a small wood storage closet that’s next to the fireplace in the parlor. That day was terrible to Aunt Clare which is Paul’s sister, because her boy friend died by a car crash and her parents died by a murder. She decide to move to Chicago and leave Paul to their cousins.
    From. Minjin

    1. Hi Minjin,
      Your book sounds very interesting. So many horrible events happened to that family. Is it a scary book to read?

      1. It’s not that scary, but middle to end it was scary to me.
        You should try to read The Dollhouse Murders book!~
        It’s really good book!

  21. Dear Ms. Gabas
    Jasmine is getting the feeling that someone is following her and Keung in the busy city so she looks back and sees a scared man jump behind an ox cart. She thinks it is Blue Scar Wong so she tells Keung who she thinks it is. Keung does not believe her and said that he couldn’t have got to the busy city because he was not on the boat so he told her it was O.K.

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