Fantastic Unicorn Friday! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

Fantastic Unicorn Friday!

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Well, here we are!  The final school day of May!  Where has the time gone?  It is going to be a fantastic day and I know many of our unicorn fanatics will appreciate a little Mystery Doug Unicorn information.  Attached today, will also be some more space info from our female astronaut from the live Mystery Doug presentation.  Just a reminder, the launch of the NASA/SPACE X space flight will try to move forward with their mission tomorrow.  The link below will direct you there.

I am looking forward to June, working Monday to Friday at Clinton School.  I realize that many of you will continue your learning journey from home.  There will be a change in how your days will look at home as daily blog posts may not be arriving first thing in the morning.  I will be on the road each day driving to Clinton.  Eyela and Froggy will be joining me.  READWORKS will continue and there will be some activities sent your way for sure.  Your families can also access any of the links/posts/activities shared on the Division 9 blog from the past few months.  The BC Government Educational Website has also provided learning connections that you can access for your home-learning as we transition back to in-class teaching and learning.

Keep Learning:

I have added the above link to many sidebar link categories on the Division 9 website..

Next week is a short week with Friday, June 5 being a Pro-D Day.  The Clinton Staff will be working together, distanced apart of course,  at the school.  As part of our day, we will be considering some class placement options for next year.  I had asked you to consider the story Heart Strings, from the Wednesday blog post, knowing that even though we are distanced from one another, we are all connected.  Through our connections, we sometimes have valuable relationships that support our academic and social growth.  Your friends, peers, classmates are an important part of your development.  I would encourage you to send me in a private email ( a message indicating 3 Clinton students/friends you would appreciate having the opportunity to work with next year.  The goal is for me to hopefully place you with 1 of those friend connections.  You can identify friends that currently are not in your class this year but you would like to work with next year.  Please, students, do not send me emails about teacher preferences and choices, just your friend requests.  Thank you for your understanding.

For those of you coming to school next week, (so looking forward to working with you in person) you will have received information about the safety measures that need to be considered when you arrive at school.  You should have had your cohort days and times sent to you through the school email.  All of your school supplies are currently at your desks and I have organized individual buckets filled with the items you will need for your time in-class.  Your desk, chair, supplies are labelled for your personal use only.  I have table mats for snack/lunch eating.  Please only bring what fits into your backpack for your school day.  Your items/backpack/lunchkits will all remain at your desk area.  The water fountains will be closed so please do bring a full water bottle that will support you for the full day. The custodian has rolled up the carpet and signs will direct you to where you need to go.  I will have to ask some health questions before you enter the classroom.  You will only have one way to enter and exit Room 15 for all school day ins and outs of the building.  The playground,at this time, will remain closed. This message changes day to day so the playground may open up.  Those of you that have not indicated that you are returning to class are unable to arrive at school or visit the school grounds from 9-3.  (Students who are not on (your) my list but show up at your (my) classroom are to be directed up to Room 7. A chair will be placed along that hallway. Parents will be called to pick up their child. The child must stay in the chair until their parent arrives. No parents allowed in school. If a parent wants to enter the building, they will need to book an appointment with the Principal at the office, who will facilitate meeting for parents at a mutually agreed upon time.) Masks and gloves are not a requirement at this time as per health authority guidelines. Due to my own compromised immune system/health and my need to be a caregiver for my elderly parents, I will be wearing gloves and may, at times, wear a mask or face shield.

Mr. Bortolussi has created a powerpoint: Safety Tips for Kids Returning to School

Now, for what you have been waiting for…here is the Mystery Doug Links to Unicorns and Space! Ashlyn will like the first one for sure.

Are Unicorns Real?

If you missed last weeks live Mystery Doug Space Adventure, I have it here!

And the link to the space launch this Saturday is as follows:

There is so much more to learn on the above space link; you don’t have to wait until tomorrow, Saturday, to check it out.

Please remember to hand in your assignments and send me your friend request email. 

Monday, June 1 is Evan Sihota’s birthday.  I will see if some of our in-class learners can create a happy b-day song video for him.  Until then, thanks again for a wonderful April and May learning experience.  I look forward to our next Mission Possible!   Mrs.E.

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