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New Photo Videos

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Here we go again.  Hopefully, the links below will work and you will be able to have a glimpse at our Trestle Tree experiences as well as our Byrne Creek adventure.

The watermarks of the platform I am using as a trial will be visible but I know that your interest will be seeing your child in action.

The first link is about our Stream Keepers Salmon Release and information if on a prior Blog post.  The second link will connect you to the active moments currently taking place in the gym.  A previous Blog post also highlights information related to the day the photos were taken.

If for any reason these links do not work, I will continue to find ways to open a window into our Division 10 World!







Dear families of students in Division 10:

My apologies for the last 2 blog posts and links to photos/videos.

The videos are a showcase of our Trestle Tree and Salmon Release experiences and they are only visible to me.  I will continue to find alternate ways to show and share on the BLOG.  Thank you for your patience.

Byrne Creek Stream Keepers Salmon Release

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What a beautiful day for releasing salmon.  The wonderful weather, the natural beauty of the forest and the support from those who care about the salmon cycle and the local ecosystem made for an exceptional learning experience for all connected to Division 10.

Thank you to Joan Carne for organizing this opportunity through the Byrne Creek Stream Keepers Society.  Thank you to Isaac who shared his knowledge of the salmon.  Thank you to Mrs. Wilson for supporting us on the adventure.  Thank you to Ms. Rempel for supporting Mr. Weisbom’s class of grade 6/7 students.  Thank you to Marcelle, Emma’s Mom, for joining us and also treating the class to ice cream treats at the park during our picnic.  Thank you to Emma for sharing salmon keychains with the class at the end of our journey.

And thank you to the Coho Smolt Salmon who courageously braved the creek bed and swam with energy to move on to the Fraser River as part of the cycle.  The salmon begins as an egg, then alevin, fry and parr.  As a teenager, smolt, they hang around the creek for a little bit and then move on to the river.  Eventually, the salmon move as adults to the Pacific Ocean.  After a few years, they return as spawning salmon to begin the cycle all over.  3000-5000 eggs may only have 2 adult male/female salmon return to spawn.

We all felt extra-special in being able to support the local watershed area, ecosystem and habitat of the salmon.

Please click the link below to see our Tuesday, May 14 journey.



Rolling Around With Division 10

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The Trestle Tree Apparatus is here in the gym and Division 10 has been enjoying the opportunity to roll, tumble and hang.  Hip Hop Lessons will soon start and we look forward to a great school wide performance on Friday, May 24 in the afternoon.

Until then, enjoy this little video sharing some daring division 10 moves. Please click on the link.


For our Moms, have a great Mother’s Day Weekend and Go CANUCKs Go!


How We Ended April – It was Double and Triple Terrific

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Below is the link to see all of the photos related to our recent experiences.  There has been a change to the size of photos that can be shared on the BLOG so I am now showing and sharing photos through a sharepoint link.  Thanks for your understanding.

Take a look at our Spike Ball experience.  The weather was chilly but Coach Zack encouraged many learning opportunities with our new sport.  Thanks to the PAC for supporting these lessons for the students.

Thanks to the Leadership Team for organizing a Twins Day that turned into a Triplets Day for many of our students.  We had much fun at Clinton School with our twinning.

Sock It To Them we said when we went wandering around with socks over our shoes to collect seeds from the outdoor garden space.  Our Watch Our Socks Grow experiment is in our classroom window.  The moist socks have demonstrated the process of evaporation, condensation and accumulation while also, hopefully, supporting a habitat for seeds to grow in the warmth of the sun.

We will see what happens.

Now, please click on the link below.


May is now here and we want to take the opportunity to thank you for visiting the classroom for Student Led Conferences.  It was wonderful to see how the students showed and shared their classroom activities and experiences.  Please look for the bean plants to come home tomorrow.  The plant pots are organic and can be planted right into the garden or into a planter box.

As we move toward the weekend, there is only one thing we can say and it is…


April Adventures This Week!

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Non-fiction studies have began with the guidance of Ms. Minoza.  Students have been exploring their curiousities, wonders and questions.  They have worked in groups and independently experiencing the aspects of non-fiction text.  They have done a text pass and spent some time in the library with Ms. Hossack, connecting to the non-fiction material.  They have learned about text boxes, table of contents and glossaries.  They will continue to work with non-fiction material as they dive into their water cycle and plant lessons.

Geo-shapes and solids have also been part of the learning this week.  2D shape cities were created, a 2D shape scavenger hunt happened outside and students were able to move onto 3D solids, making a solid city of modeling clay.

We ended the week with recognizing the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi.  We worked with our buddies to create Rangoli chalk drawings.  Rangoli drawings are created on the ground, at the front doors, of houses in India during celebrations and festivals especially Diwali.  The shapes symbolize harmony and good fortune.

All of our adventures are captured on the link below.

Happy Vaisakhi!


Solar Eclipse Today

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The weather did not give us full advantage of the eclipse today, that was only going to have the moon cover 28% of the sun’s rays, in this location.  So, we went on a trip with NASA and watched the full eclipse happen in Mexico and Arkansas.  It was an exciting moment when the sun was completely blocked out by the moon.  We turned the lights out in the classroom to pretend we were experiencing the darkness of the eclipse. No retinas were damaged in the experience 🙂


Welcome Back!

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We started our first week back from Spring Break with some April Activities thanks to the Young Actor’s Project. Students learned about the 3 tools that are necessary for acting: Imagination, Voice and Body.  They learned how to use their emotions and realized that acting is pretending with a purpose to tell a story.  They were such good story tellers.

We also took a moment to practice our juggling skills in class for P.E. since the gym was being used for Battle of the Books.  It has been a very active start to the third term.

Making March Memories!

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Division 10 has to quickly capture some March Moments as we won’t be returning until April, after Spring Break.

We are ready for Spring though and have made some Spring Signs to welcome in the new season. 

We will also gather as a grade 2/3 group of classes into the library to celebrate the Spring Equinox and acknowledge the seasonal cycle as we have done for Autumn and Winter.  As in Autumn, we are reaching a time in the year when the amount of daylight will equal the amount of darkness in this part of the world.  That is why we say that we are moving toward the Equinox, which takes place around March 21.  We will continue a journey of longer days until we reach the Summer Solstice in June.

Decade’s Day, today, hosted by our Clinton Leadership team, provided so many opportunities for us to lean into the stories of fashion and the reasons behind some fashion designs for the era they represent.  Fashion is a very important part of the Visual Art subject area and it was lovely to see so many Division 10 students participate in the Spirit Day. 

















We also had fun with some our Matter experiments, predicting and observing how solids sink and float. Today we made aluminum foil boats.  Our passengers were marbles.  Check out the results of our Sink or Float your Boat challenge in the classroom window.  Congratulations, Emma.

Tomorrow, we will board a bus with the rest of the Primary Choir and we will sing at the Primary Days Of Music at Confederation Park Elementary School.  It will be a full morning event.  The student voices have sounded so inspiring and uplifting when they have practiced together during 3 lunch times.

Report Cards will be coming home tomorrow.  Please sign the envelopes and return back to the school by Friday.  Students are asked to bring a reusable bag on Thursday so they can hang up all of their desk supplies over the break.  Other items will return home for a washing or size check and then should be returned back to the classroom.  Some students will also be bringing home a supply list of items to be replenished.

At this time, we also want to support those in our community who are celebrating Ramadan.  Happy Ramadan!

As we move toward Spring Break, we wish you all the luck of St. Patrick’s Day and the blessings of the Easter Weekend with family and friends.

Happy Spring!

End Of February Festivities!

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From a Second Skating Session to a Kindness Quilt, from Pink Shirt support to our Hands Bulletin Board display, we ended February with kindness, care and support for one another. Our Hands presentation was well received at the February Assembly and Finn The Frog was a welcomed character on our Leap Year Day.  Thank you, Ms. Minoza, for sharing, This Book Is Perfect.







































We look forward to the final weeks before March break.  Students are invited to participate in a spirit day, DECADE DAY, Tuesday, March 12, that will take them back in time to a different era.  For students that have never even lived a decade, choosing to dress from a previous decade can be a challenge.  So please, parents and families, share your thoughts about your favourite era and help your child participate in this final spirit day before Spring.

The Clinton Leadership Team has created a power point with some suggestions.


Students are also looking forward to the Primary Days of Music that will be at Confederation Elementary School on Wednesday, March 13.  They have also been invited to a Movie Afternoon on Friday, March 15, in the gym, sponsored and put on by the Clinton PAC.  We are a busy bunch of bees in Room 15.

As we move forward to the Spring Break, please note that students will be bringing home their extra clothes and shoes for a freshen up.  Their school supplies will be removed from their desks and put into bags that will hang on their coatroom hooks.  Please send a reusable bag to school next week so that supplies can be stored.  Some students will be bringing home a list of supplies that they will need replenished.

Happy March! Spring is just around the corner!

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