April Adventures This Week! – Enchelmaier's Division 10

April Adventures This Week!

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Non-fiction studies have began with the guidance of Ms. Minoza.  Students have been exploring their curiousities, wonders and questions.  They have worked in groups and independently experiencing the aspects of non-fiction text.  They have done a text pass and spent some time in the library with Ms. Hossack, connecting to the non-fiction material.  They have learned about text boxes, table of contents and glossaries.  They will continue to work with non-fiction material as they dive into their water cycle and plant lessons.

Geo-shapes and solids have also been part of the learning this week.  2D shape cities were created, a 2D shape scavenger hunt happened outside and students were able to move onto 3D solids, making a solid city of modeling clay.

We ended the week with recognizing the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi.  We worked with our buddies to create Rangoli chalk drawings.  Rangoli drawings are created on the ground, at the front doors, of houses in India during celebrations and festivals especially Diwali.  The shapes symbolize harmony and good fortune.

All of our adventures are captured on the link below.

Happy Vaisakhi!


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