Ms. Edwards-Nelson Elementary

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Activities for Monday, May 25, 2020: Time Capsule Writing, Raz Kids, Math Games

Happy Monday, Division 10!  I hope you all had a good weekend and  had a chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.  This week will be a transition and review week so our assignments will be a little bit different.  I had a chance to go for a walk at Como Lake in Coquitlam this weekend and saw signs of new life!  What do you notice on the log?  I wonder what kind of adaptations ducks have with their feathers so that water doesn’t get absorbed?  Can you find out? 


It is time to return your library books! For the week of May 25-29, there will be a bin (labelled LIBRARY BOOKS) outside the school doors in the undercover area. The bin will be outside from 9:00-3:00 each day. Please use physical distancing when returning your books to the bin
If you are unsure if your child has any outstanding library books, please contact Mrs. Roberts via email at
Monday’s Activities:
1) Time Capsule Writing and Art– please finish the last three pages (9-11) over the next few days. Hold on to these so that I can put them in your scrapbook for you.
2) Raz Kids– listen to, read, and do a quiz for a new book at your level.  If you haven’t recorded yourself with a story from last week, please do so this week.  Thank you!  
3) Math Games– go to the “Math Activities” tab at the top of our class blog and choose a few games to review skills.  I would recommend the addition/subtraction/multiplication game, skip counting, and money.  
Have a great day!  

Activities for Friday, May 22, 2020: Zoom Math, Tree Art, and Friday Journal

Happy Friday, Division 10!  I look forward to seeing you all today at our Zoom Math sessions.  Please make sure to bring paper, a pencil, a marker, and an eraser.  Here are today’s activities:

1)Zoom Math: grade 2’s-10 AM, grade 3’s-11 AM.  You will receive your assignment by email after.  See you there! 

2) Tree Observation Art and Writing- go on a walk in your neighbourhood and find a tree that interests you.  Using the attached pages below make a rubbing of the tree (use a pencil or pencil crayon to show the texture of the tree on paper), draw and colour a picture of the tree, and then write about it.  **THIS WILL BE DUE ON MONDAY**

Tree Observation Art and Writing Project

3) Friday Journal- also due Monday, May 25. Remember to check your writing for sentence sense, spelling, capitals, punctuation, and details. 



Activities for Thursday May 21, 2020: Reading Response, Optional Zoom, and IXL

Happy Thursday, Division 10!  I hope you have all had a good week so far.  Today will be a bit different as I have to go into the school this afternoon for a meeting, so we won’t have Zoom math like we usually do.  We will have it tomorrow instead to wrap up our subtraction and division units.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Tree of Life Reading Response:  first, watch a video on the importance of the Cedar tree to the West Coast Peoples *HERE*.  Then, read the few pages that we discussed on Tuesday about the Tree of Life and then answer the questions.  You can find the article and question sheet below:

CedarTreeofLifeforWestCoastPeoples Article

Tree of Life Questions Word Document

Tree of Life Questions PDF

2) IXL Math grade 2’s- Sections H.7 and A.6 (Level D), grade 3’s-Sections I.4 and I.5 (Level E).  **Remember to only spend between 20-30 minutes working on the sections.  I would spend 15 minutes on each**  Grade 2’s, you are doing some review with even and odd numbers as well as a subtraction chart. Grade 3’s you are working on final division and multiplication questions. 

3) OPTIONAL Zoom Meeting at 11 AM- I will be reading from The Philosopher’s Stone and spending a bit of time checking to see how assignments are going and if you need any help.  

4) Read for 20 minutes.

Have a great day, Division 10!  


Activities for Wednesday, May 20: Poetry, Today’s Number, and Yoga

Hi there, Division 10!  I hope you are all doing well.  It was nice to see you all yesterday at our class meeting.  Today you will be working on a new kind of poetry called “expand a word” as well as our weekly number worksheet and yoga (if you have time).  Don’t forget to send me your totem pole art and math if you haven’t already.  Have a great day!  

1) Expand a Word Poetry: this is a five lined poem.  Each line asks you to do something different:

First line:  name of item/thing

Second line: describe and rename the item/thing

Third line: Where the item/thing can be found

Fourth line: What you can do with the item/thing

Fifth line: How you feel about the item/thing

Here are two examples that Ms. Watt created:


Use the rough draft to create your expand a word poem for the word “Cedar”.  Make sure to check for proper spelling, punctuation, and sentence sense.

Expand-A-Word Rough Draft

Once you have checked over your rough draft, use the good copy below as the one to email to me when you are done.  Thank you!  

Expand-A-Word Good Copy

2) Today’s Number: grade 2’s-77, grade three’s-737.  See if you can extend this activity and find your number in different places around your house ! Or show the number in a different way not seen on your number activity sheet!  

Number of the Week

3) Read for 20 minutes

4) Yoga!  Try out a few new Yoga poses!  

Have a great day, Division 10!  

Activities for Tuesday May 19, 2020: Time Capsule, IXL, and Zoom Meeting

Hello, Division 10!  I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and had a chance to get out and enjoy the weather when it was nice 🙂  Today we will meet at 1 PM for our class Zoom meeting.  Be ready to talk about the importance of Cedar trees for our local First Nations people.  Please bring paper and a pencil as we may be creating a web together.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Time Capsule– Pages 7-8.  Hold on to these when you have completed them.  Remember to add details and use colours when needed.  You can find the time capsule pages below.

COVID19-TIME-CAPSULE-3 Word Document


2) IXL-  grade 2’s- H.11 (Level D), grade 3’s-I.3 (Level E).

3)Class Zoom Meeting- 1 PM!  Please remember to bring paper and a pencil.  See you there ! 

Have a great day, Division 10! 


Activities for Friday, May 15, 2020: Zoom Math, Totem Pole Sentences, Finish Up

Happy Friday, Division 10!  A long weekend is coming up!  I hope you have all had a chance to finish your totem pole animal art as it is due today.  If not, please use the time today to finish it along with anything else that needs to be done for catch up.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Zoom Math– Grade 2’s: 10 AM, Grade 3’s: 11 AM.  Make sure to bring your completed math sheets, paper, a marker, a pencil, and an eraser.  See you there!  

2) Totem Pole Art and Sentences-

Our last step will be writing 3 sentences about your animal using the sentence frame HERE.
I am a __ because a __ is __.
e.g. I am a beaver because a beaver is a builder and family and home are very important to them.
I ____. (What do you do that is like your animal?)
e.g. I love building things at home with my LEGO set and magnetic blocks. I also love to be with my family during special occasions like holidays and birthdays.
I used __ because ____.
I used green because it symbolizes the earth and tress that a beaver uses to build its dam. I also used blue because it symbolizes the water of the lakes and rivers that the beaver builds its dam in. I left parts of the beaver brown to represent the colour of its fur.  **Please email this to me when you are done as well as a picture of your coloured and cut-out totem pole animal.  Thank you!  **

3) Read for 20 minutes OR if you haven’t already, go to Raz Kids and record yourself reading the assigned reading I gave you. Don’t forget to take the quiz as well!  

4) Finish Up– if you haven’t finished the connections activity, number of the day, or anything else from this week, please do and email it to me when you are done.

Have a great Victoria Day weekend, Division 10!  

Activities for Thursday May 14, 2020: Poetry and Zoom Math

Happy Thursday, Division 10!  I hope you have all had a great week so far!  Yesterday was a bit rainy but I hope you had a chance to get some fresh air anyways!  Today we will be working on poetry and have our Zoom Math sessions this afternoon.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Acrostic Poetry- an acrostic poem uses one word that is written vertically and then each of those letters has a word or sentence written about it that starts with that letter.  The words or sentences need to focus on the letter that is written vertically.  For example, if the word is “BOOK”, each of the lines needs to have a sentence that talks about books in some way.  I have created an example with the word “RAIN”.  Check it out below! 

You will notice that all my sentences focus on the topic of rain and each sentence begins with the next letter in the word “rain”.  It’s your turn!  A) Brainstorm sentences that connect to the word “SPRING” (ex. Sunshine heats up our classroom in May and June).  You need to have a sentence for each letter in the word “SPRING”.  Write “SPRING” vertically on a piece of paper and come up with some sentences that start with each letter.  If you want another idea of how to write an acrostic poem, watch this video *HERE*

B) Once you have come up with your sentences and checked the writing for sentence sense, spelling, and proper capital and period usage, you can then create your good copy.  The good copy page can be found below:

Spring Acrostic Poem

Then if you would like, decorate the page and then email it to me!  Thank you! 

2) Zoom Math- grade 2’s: 1 PM (we will continue to work on borrowing), grade 3’s: 2 PM (we will continue to work on division). Don’t forget to bring paper, a marker, a pencil, and an eraser.  See you there!  

3) Read for 20 minutes.  Or, if you have not done so yet, read, record, and complete the quiz on the assigned reading for Raz Kids

Don’t forget your totem pole art is due tomorrow!  Have a great day!  

Activities for Wednesday, May 13, 2020: Connection Activity, IXL, and Raz Kids

Hi there, Division 10!  It was great to see you all yesterday!  Perhaps when we read The Philosopher’s Stone from now on, I can add a movie clip to help us visualize the story!  **Remember to start collecting recyclables (boxes, cans, etc.) for our 3-D shape art project which we will be working on in a few weeks.**  Here are today’s activities:

1)Read Aloud with Mrs. Robert’s and Connection Activity- today you will be writing about two different kinds of connections (text to self, text to text, text to world) you can make to the story What Do You Do With A Problem? Remember to add details to your writing!  Think about a time you have had a problem and what you did to solve it. Or, think about a character from another book you have read that had a problem and what they did to solve it!  Or, think about something happening in our world right now that we are trying to find a solution for.  Lots of options!  Remember, you need to chose TWO types of connections and write about both of them.

You can find the story read by Mrs. Robert’s *HERE*  Remember, the password is nighthawks

The connections activity sheets are below.  Remember to add details and check your writing for neatness, spelling, capitals, and periods.  Please email it to me once you are done. Thank you!  

Making Connections PDF

Making Connections Word Document

2)IXL Grade 2’s- please work on section H.9 (Level D), Grade 3’s-please work on section I.3 (Level E).  Remember, 20-30 minutes is fine!  

3) Raz Kids– new assignments are up!  Remember to listen to the story, read it to yourself, record yourself reading it, and answer the quiz questions.  I would like this to be done for Friday.  Thank you! 


4) GoNoodle– try a new routine!  

Have a great day!  I’ll see you tomorrow at our Math Zoom meetings!  Grade 2- 1 PM, Grade 3- 2 PM


Activities for Tuesday, May 12, 2020: Totem Pole Art, Today’s Number, and Zoom Meeting

Happy Tuesday, Division 10!  I hope everyone is well!  Today we will work on our good copy of our totem pole art, complete a new number of the day sheet (a revised one by Ms. Tsumori!), and meet at 1 PM for our class meeting on Zoom.  

1) Totem Pole Art- Good Copy:

**If you need a refresher of the specific shapes and designs used in the totem pole art, please go *HERE* There are multiple pages to look at and get examples from

Good Copy:

Using an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, draw a large head of your animal (some animals may need the whole body). It is important to fill as much of the page as possible.
Totem pole art uses lines around lines and shapes inside any empty space (but not too many!).
When finished drawing, there should be large spaces, of different shape and size, to be filled in with colour.

Read through the 2 page article on Totem Pole Colours HERE. Which colours and their meaning relate to your animal? Using only the colours listed on the chart, colour in your totem pole animal using markers or pencil crayons. You may also use brown in some spaces to represent the uncoloured cedar of the totem pole.
After you’re done colouring, please cut our your totem pole animal.

This was my example from last week of my rough copy:

Take your time with this activity!  It will be due by the end of the week.  Choose your colours and designs wisely 🙂

2) Number of the Day– grade 2’s-85, grade 3’s-679.  Extension ideas:  see if you can extend this activity and show the number in a different way, too!  Can you find the number you are working with somewhere in your home, or safely outside? Draw a picture of it if you can and label it so I know where you found the number!  The new number of the week sheet is below:

Number of the Week

3) Read for 20 minutes. You will be assigned a new book  in Raz Kids tomorrow to listen to, read, record, and answer questions about. 

4) Zoom Meeting– 1 PM!  Bring markers or pencil crayons and the printed copy of the picture below (if you’d like) to colour while I read from The Philosopher’s Stone. We will also play a game and hopefully, a special guest will be there as well!  See you there ! 

Picture 1




Activities for Monday, May 11: Time Capsule Writing, IXL, and Reading

Hello, Division 10!  I hope you had a marvelous weekend and had a chance to get out in the sunshine!  I also hope you had a chance to celebrate your Mom too 🙂  Today you will continue to work on the Time Capsule writing and art project, do an assigned IXL section, read, and hopefully go for a neighbourhood bike or walk! Also, your math from Friday is due today!  Please email it to me if you haven’t already done so.  Thank you!  Here are today’s activities:

1) Time Capsule Project– please work on Pages 5-6.  Remember to be neat, use details (in your writing and art work) and do your best! If you don’t have a printer, create your own time capsule pages.  Please hold on to the pages when you are done.  Thank you!  

COVID19-TIME-CAPSULE-3 Word Document


2) IXL Grade 2’s- please work on section H.5 for 20-30 minutes.   Grade 3’s- please work on section I.2 for 20-30 minutes. Thank you!  

3) Read for 20 minutes

4) Go outside for a neighbourhood bike ride or walk with your family!  Remember to wear sunscreen if it is hot! 

Have a great day, Division 10!  

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