Happy Wednesday, Division 10!  I hope you have all had a great week so far.  My apologies again for the issue with Zoom yesterday.  I have kept the password the same (roots) and hopefully that works for everyone today.  Today we will have a Zoom class meeting to talk about how we communicated our learning this year, a Science, Math, Technology, and Math (STEM) challenge, and GoNoodle!  

Here are today’s activities:

1)Zoom Class Meeting– 11 AM.  See you there!  

2)STEM Challenge-Build a Tower!  See the directions in the attachment below.  You also need to write about your plan and what you did to help make your tower!  Please email me a picture of your tower and your writing when you are done. 

Tower Building Challenge

3) Read for 20 minutes

4) GoNoodle-try a new video or pick a favourite you have ! 

Have a great day 😀