Hi, everyone ! I hope you all had a chance to get out and enjoy the weekend, even though it was a pretty soggy one!  There is a slight change of plans to our weekly schedule:  I will be posting the Monday-Wednesday activities daily, and then the Thursday-Friday activities will be posted on Thursday morning.  If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email me 🙂  We are going to start looking at plants this week for a Science unit.  This week we will be learning about the parts of the plant you can eat, examples of them, and what those parts are called!  Here are today’s activities:


1) Science-Parts of the Plant 321 Response– watch the YouTube video *HERE* to learn about some examples of different fruits and vegetables that you can eat that are examples of roots, stems, leaves,  and more!  Then, use the 321 Reading Response sheet to tell me 3 things you learned, 2 questions you have, and 1 thing you found interesting.

The 321 Response sheet is attached below.  Make sure to add details and check for spelling, capitals, and punctuation!  Please email it to me when you are done.  

321 Reading Response PDF

321 Reading Response Word Document

2) IXL grade 2’s are reviewing some things we talked about last week with the calendar and grade three’s are practicing finding the perimeter of different shapes.

Grade 2’s-P.14, Level D

Grade 3’s-U.1,Level D

3) Raz Kids– choose a new story to listen to, read, and answer the questions about. I will be talking to people tomorrow who haven’t used Raz Kids in a while! 

4)Plant Parts we Eat Directed Drawing see how you do with drawing different plant parts that we eat!  Ms. Fernandez will lead you through the activity on her YouTube channel 🙂 

Have a great day, Division 10!  I will see you tomorrow for our Zoom math sessions 🙂