Hi, everyone ! Happy Thursday!  I hope you have all had a fantastic week so far and have had a chance to get out in the nice weather we have been having.  Today I will be at school for most of the day preparing for next week so our Zoom Math session will be there.  We will be using our class calendar and our prior knowledge to share new and familiar learning concepts.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Zoom Math– 11 AM today!  Be prepared and ready to share! 

2) Draw and Write Reflection– think back to what you have learned about salmon, the Great Bear Rainforest, cedar, and totem poles. You might want to get out previous assignments to help you with this 🙂  Using the worksheets below, choose 2 circles to draw and 2 circles to write in about something important you learned about each circle.  Make sure to add details ! When you are writing, you can add lines to help you share your thoughts.  

Everything is connected draw-write PDF

Everything is connected draw-write Word Document

3) Raz Kids listen to, read, and answer questions about a new story at your level. I will be checking this today and Friday to see how things are going!  

See you at 11 AM today, Division 10!