Hi there, Division 10!  It was great to see you all yesterday!  Perhaps when we read The Philosopher’s Stone from now on, I can add a movie clip to help us visualize the story!  **Remember to start collecting recyclables (boxes, cans, etc.) for our 3-D shape art project which we will be working on in a few weeks.**  Here are today’s activities:

1)Read Aloud with Mrs. Robert’s and Connection Activity- today you will be writing about two different kinds of connections (text to self, text to text, text to world) you can make to the story What Do You Do With A Problem? Remember to add details to your writing!  Think about a time you have had a problem and what you did to solve it. Or, think about a character from another book you have read that had a problem and what they did to solve it!  Or, think about something happening in our world right now that we are trying to find a solution for.  Lots of options!  Remember, you need to chose TWO types of connections and write about both of them.

You can find the story read by Mrs. Robert’s *HERE*  Remember, the password is nighthawks

The connections activity sheets are below.  Remember to add details and check your writing for neatness, spelling, capitals, and periods.  Please email it to me once you are done. Thank you!  

Making Connections PDF

Making Connections Word Document

2)IXL Grade 2’s- please work on section H.9 (Level D), Grade 3’s-please work on section I.3 (Level E).  Remember, 20-30 minutes is fine!  

3) Raz Kids– new assignments are up!  Remember to listen to the story, read it to yourself, record yourself reading it, and answer the quiz questions.  I would like this to be done for Friday.  Thank you! 


4) GoNoodle– try a new routine!  

Have a great day!  I’ll see you tomorrow at our Math Zoom meetings!  Grade 2- 1 PM, Grade 3- 2 PM