Hi there, Division 10!  It was so great to see you all working so hard yesterday at our math sessions ! Today’s sessions will be in the morning instead of the afternoon. Please bring your completed math worksheet as we will be marking it together.  Here are today’s activities:

1)  Zoom Math:  Grade 2’s- 10 AM, Grade 3’s- 11 AM.  Please bring your worksheet, paper, a pencil, eraser, and a marker.  See you there!  

The activity sheet to be done AFTER the math session is linked here for the grade two’s and three’s: 

25.3 Subtraction  -Grade 2

Introduction to Division 2Grade 3

These will be due on Monday.

2)Art- *shhh…don’t tell Mom!! 🙂 **  It is Mother’s Day on Sunday ! Make Mom a nice card using what you have at home (construction paper, regular paper, markers etc.) and tell her why she is so special to you and what you are thankful for about her.  You can use these sentence starters to help you:  Dear Mom, thank you for______________

___________________________________________________ because __________________________________________.  I really appreciate that you _________________________________________________because_______________________________________.  Love, __________

**Include a nice and colourful picture as well of you and Mom doing something fun together:)

**Also! Help Mom out around the house this weekend with at least ONE chore!  (Unload the dishwasher, clean your room, help out with dinner etc.). Your Mom will really appreciate that 🙂  Don’t forget to give Mom her card on Sunday!!

3) **OPTIONAL FOR TODAY**: Friday Letter:  Grade 2’s: 2-3 pages, double spaced, Grade 3’s: 3-4 pages, double spaced. Make sure to start with “Dear Ms. Edwards” and finish with “Sincerely, ________” (your name). Ideas of what to talk about are attached below.  This will be due on Monday.  If you are getting frustrated, take a break and come back to it 🙂  

Have a lovely Friday, everyone!