Hi there, Division 10!  I am excited to see you all today at our Math Zoom meetings this afternoon!  Today we will be working on new math and also start working on creating our own totem pole animal. We will be working on the good copy of this next week so today you are just working on the drawings.  Here are today’s activities:

1)  Totem Pole Art: 

Listen to Mrs. Robert’s read aloud Totem Tales to get an idea of some animals that are used on totem poles.  Once you have listened to the story and carefully looked at the pictures, start thinking about  what animal has similar characteristics as you, read about 6 different animals that were commonly used in Totems Pole HERE.
What animal are you like? Are you powerful like a bear? A builder like a beaver? A leader like an eagle? A trickster like a wolf?
Or, if you don’t connect with one of these 6 animals, which animal are you like? Are you jumpy and like swimming like a frog? Are you shy like a turtle? Are you loyal and like playing like a dog? Are you independent and watchful like a cat? Are you gentle, kind and caring like a deer? Are you intelligent and a risk taker like an eagle?
There are 5 pages of examples of different animals to look through for design ideas before starting.

Using an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, draw a large head of your animal (some animals may need the whole body). It is important to fill as much of the page as possible.
Totem pole art uses lines around lines and shapes inside any empty space (but not too many!).
When finished drawing, there should be large spaces, of different shape and size, to be filled in with colour.

**DO NOT COLOUR IN YOUR PICTURE TODAY, DIVISION 10 🙂  Today you are working on the sketch, or rough copy of your picture.  I will show you my example below: Make sure to use pencil!  

2) Math Zoom Meetings:  Grade 2’s- 1 PM,   Grade 3’s-2 PM.  Make sure to bring a pencil, a marker, an eraser, and paper ! See you there

3) Raz Kids– make sure to listen to the story, read it twice, and answer the quiz questions!  

Have a great day!