Hi there, Division 10!  It sure was lovely to see you all yesterday!  I am glad you enjoyed the scavenger hunt as I am hoping to continue that next week:)  There are two activities for today, plus reading for 20 minutes. I will be at the school helping to hand out student supplies this afternoon.  Remind your parents to come in at their designated times today!  Here are today’s activities:

1) Read Aloud and Response with Mrs. Robert’s: Listen carefully to Mrs. Robert’s as she reads you two pages from Garden of the Spirit Bear: Life in the Great Northern Rainforest Then, using paper, answer these questions:  A) How do salmon help the forest?  What do they provide for the forest once they die?  B) How do salmon help predators?  What predators are mentioned on these pages?  C) How do humans cause problems for salmon?  D)  How do fallen logs help spawning salmon?  **Make sure to answer these questions in full sentences and check your writing for sentence sense, spelling, capitals, and periods. **  You can also include a picture if you would like 🙂  Please email me your work when you are done.

2)Number of the Day:  Grade 2’s, your number is 56.  Grade 3’s, your number is 539.  Make sure to show your number in two different ways using coins in the “draw it” section and show your regrouping and borrowing!  Show your thinking:)  The number of the day sheet is HERE. 

3) Read for 20 minutes and continue working on your music bingo sheet.

Have a great day!  We will have two Zoom meetings on Thursday which I will email your parents about.  Bring your highlighted spawning salmon sheet with you as well as paper and a pencil.  See you then 🙂