Hello there, Division 10!  I hope you had a marvelous Monday and enjoyed working on the first two pages of your time capsule project.  Make sure to hold on to the pages as you will be working on the next few in the upcoming weeks.  Here are the activities for today:

1) Class Zoom Meeting– if you didn’t get the invitation, please email me.  We will be doing a fun activity together and I will also be reading a salmon story.  I’ll see you at 11 AM!  

2) Spawning Salmon Article– please read and highlight the attached article for our next Zoom meetings on Thursday.  We will be going over your highlighted words then and working on the web.  Thank you ! 

(PDF) Salmon Spawner

(Word Document)Salmon Spawner-Word Document

3)IXL– I have assigned sections for each grade to work on:  Grade 2’s-please work on section G.5.  Grade 3’s-please work on J.2.  **YOU SHOULD ONLY BE SPENDING 20-30 MINUTES WORKING ON THESE**

Have a great day!  -Ms. E 🙂