Happy Friday, Division 10!  A long weekend is coming up!  I hope you have all had a chance to finish your totem pole animal art as it is due today.  If not, please use the time today to finish it along with anything else that needs to be done for catch up.  Here are today’s activities:

1) Zoom Math– Grade 2’s: 10 AM, Grade 3’s: 11 AM.  Make sure to bring your completed math sheets, paper, a marker, a pencil, and an eraser.  See you there!  

2) Totem Pole Art and Sentences-

Our last step will be writing 3 sentences about your animal using the sentence frame HERE.
I am a __ because a __ is __.
e.g. I am a beaver because a beaver is a builder and family and home are very important to them.
I ____. (What do you do that is like your animal?)
e.g. I love building things at home with my LEGO set and magnetic blocks. I also love to be with my family during special occasions like holidays and birthdays.
I used __ because ____.
I used green because it symbolizes the earth and tress that a beaver uses to build its dam. I also used blue because it symbolizes the water of the lakes and rivers that the beaver builds its dam in. I left parts of the beaver brown to represent the colour of its fur.  **Please email this to me when you are done as well as a picture of your coloured and cut-out totem pole animal.  Thank you!  **

3) Read for 20 minutes OR if you haven’t already, go to Raz Kids and record yourself reading the assigned reading I gave you. Don’t forget to take the quiz as well!  

4) Finish Up– if you haven’t finished the connections activity, number of the day, or anything else from this week, please do and email it to me when you are done.

Have a great Victoria Day weekend, Division 10!