Ms. Edwards-Nelson Elementary

Month: April 2020 (Page 2 of 2)

Thursday’s Activities (April 16, 2020): Math, Raz Kids, and PE with Joe!

Hello Division 10!  Here are your activities for today:  if you need any help with the math activity, feel free to email me 🙂 Some of it is new, but I will include explanations below:

First Activity: Number of the Day

The number for the day for grade two’s is: 48

The number of the day for grade three’s is: 237

The worksheet to do your number of the day activity is HERE

Examples for grade two’s: 

        *Parts that are in yellow, you must do, parts that are in orange, you can choose to do.


Examples for grade three’s:  

“Write it”: either write out the number in words, or show the number using a place value chart.

“Expanded Form”:  This means to show the full value (hundreds, tens, and ones) for each number .  Example: 37= 30+7   49=40+9,  355= 300 + 50 +5, 499 = 400 + 90 + 9

“Draw it”: Show the given number in two ways using coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies, toonies).  So 48 cents for grade two’s, 237 cents ($2.37) for grade three’s.  Draw the coins using circles.

“Round to 10”:  Remember, if a number ends with 0-4, you round down (ex.44 would be rounded to 40), if a number ends with 5-9, you round up (ex.47 would be rounded to 50). 

  Round to 100″: If a number is 49 or less (in the tens and ones spot), you round down to the nearest hundred (ex. 347= 300) but if a number ends in 50 to 99 (in the tens and ones spot), you round up to the nearest hundred (ex. 378=400).

“Count on 3”:  add 3 to your number

“Count back 3”: subtract 3 from your number  

 *show your work! 

“Double it”: add your number twice!  Remember to show your regrouping!  

“Next 5 even”:  skip count and show the next 5 numbers that end in 0,2,4,6, or 8 

(ex. 48= 48,50, 52,54,56,58)

“Next 5 odd”: skip count and show the next 5 numbers that end in 1,3,5,7,9

(ex. 338=339,341,343,345,347)

*Look at the examples above to see how to do the other ones if you need assistance 🙂 

Second Activity:  If you haven’t already, go to Raz Kids and complete the assigned reading activity I have given you.  Don’t forget to do the quiz and record yourself reading!  

Third Activity:  PE with Joe!  He’s a fitness instructor from Britain and he’s great!  Have fun, Division 10! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me 🙂         

Wednesday’s Activities: three things to work on!




The first activity is  read aloud number 1 on Mrs. Robert’s blog 

The book is called How Martha Saved Her Parents from the Green Beans

Once you have  listened to the story a few times, complete the  two page assignment and then email it to Ms. E when you are done.

Second activity:  finish your Math About Me poster and then review place value with Mom or Dad if you have time.

Third activity:  Doodle Art with Mo Willems!  Check out his YouTube page for some ideas:)


Have a great Wednesday!  Feel free to email me if you have any questions:)

Tuesday’s Activity: Math About Me Poster

Our 1st math activity is creating a Math About Me poster. The purpose of this project is to make you aware of math and numbers and their importance in our everyday lives. Please be creative and have fun with this project. I have provided some examples of the types of information you may like to include. Posters should include 8 numeric references to yourself. They should be coloured and may also include pictures, stickers, colourful paper, etc.
All posters must include the student’s name in the design.

What month, date and year were you born?
How old are you?
How many days old are you?  How many months old are you?
In 10 years I will be __.
I have __ members in my family.
I have __ animals.
How many people live in your household?
What’s your favourite number?
I have __ letters in my first name. I have __ letters in my last name.
Letters in my first name + letters in my last name =
How tall are you in centimetres?
How many books do you own?
How many pages are in the book you are reading right now?
How much money is in your piggy bank?
How many months old were you when you learned to walk?
How long does it take you to get to Nelson each day?

ClickHEREfor some examples

Hello world!

Hello, Division 10!  Welcome to our new class blog!  Each week I will post our new weekly schedule, activities for the week that can be found online, and also include other interesting things that you might find useful.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me or leave a comment!  -Ms. Edwards 🙂

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