Hello Division 10, I hope you had a lovely weekend and had a chance to get outside.  Today is a Pro-D Day at Nelson but I will be posting activities for you to work on anyways.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

1)  Time Capsule Art– a time capsule is something you create that tell you about something you experienced in your lifetime. This one is about what we are experiencing right now.  Please work on the first two pages today and this week.  *I will be asking you to work on 2 pages each week.* 

If you don’t have a printer, look at the example and create your own.  


Word Document Activity: COVID19-TIME-CAPSULE-3 Word Document

2) Music Bingo– Mrs. Little has created a fun Music Bingo activity for you to work on this week.  Start it today and work on it when you have the chance 🙂  Musical-Literacy-Bingo-Sheet

Mrs. Little also has a brand new website!  She has made some music videos, too!  Check out her website HERE

3) Raz Kids–  I would like everyone to record themselves reading a story today.  Especially if you haven’t recorded yourself yet!  If you need help, please email Ms. E 🙂  

***If you haven’t emailed me your adult salmon sentences yet, please do so today. Thank you!  

Have a great day, Division 10 ! I will see you tomorrow at our class Zoom Meeting at 11 AM 🙂