Happy Thursday, Division 10!  I hope you all are having a great week.  Today’s main activities are focused around our Zoom meetings.  However, there are two additional things that you can work on as well.  

1)  Zoom Meetings– make sure to be prepared for this!  You will need paper, a pencil, eraser, coloured markers or pencil crayons, and your highlighted adult salmon article.  Grade 2’s, I will see you at 10 AM.  Grade 3’s, I will see you at 2 PM.  While you are waiting you can finish up any work from earlier this week and/ or do a short journal entry.  

2) Raz Kids-20 minutes, new story: listen, read twice to yourself, answer questions.  Also, PLEASE RECORD YOURSELF READING A STORY TODAY. Thank you!  

3) Yoga Poses for Kids– try at least 5 poses that can be found HERE

Have a wonderful day and I will see you at our Zoom meetings!