Ms. Edwards-Nelson Elementary

Friday Activities and a Zoom Education update!

Hello Division 10!  I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and have had a chance to get out in the sunshine everyday!  Before I tell you about today’s activities, I wanted to give you an update about Zoom Educational:  Ms. E finally has access to it!  I will be having a class meeting next Tuesday at 1 PM and then two following meetings for the grade two’s and three’s separately on Thursday to review math concepts and to check in on your salmon writing.  I will email the meeting links and passwords next week.  Also, next week we will be working on the next stage in the salmon life cycle: the adult salmon stage. You will be given two articles on the blog: one highlighted, one not (please work with the one you feel most comfortable with.  However, if you have highlighted the words before, work on the one without the highlighting!). You will be working on creating a detailed web next week which you need to send to me when you are done.  I will be checking in on this on our Thursday Zoom meetings.  


Friday Activities: 

1)  Friday Letter to Ms. E- choose three things that you want to write about from the attached poster.  Write 4-6 sentences on each chosen item.  Start your letter with “Dear Ms.E/ Ms. Edwards” and make sure to end with “sincerely, __________ (your name).  Make sure to check your writing for sentence sense, organization of your ideas,  spelling, and capitals and periods.  

2) Math Game-try out one of these math games if you have dice at home and can use something as counters.  If you don’t have these items, pick a website from the math activities tab at the top of the blog and try out a game there. 

Math Games and Dice  (if you don’t have any).

C) Read for 20 minutes or go on Raz Kids if you haven’t recorded yourself reading a story yet.  I will be checking on this at Tuesday’s Zoom meeting!  

Have a lovely weekend, Division 10!  Email me your work when you are done 🙂 

1 Comment

  1. Yidan

    Hi Ms. Edwards, do I have Office 365 Education account? I have to sign in to get access to Math Games and Dice. How can I get my username and password? Thank you. Yidan

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