Ms. Edwards-Nelson Elementary

Thursday’s Activities (April 16, 2020): Math, Raz Kids, and PE with Joe!

Hello Division 10!  Here are your activities for today:  if you need any help with the math activity, feel free to email me 🙂 Some of it is new, but I will include explanations below:

First Activity: Number of the Day

The number for the day for grade two’s is: 48

The number of the day for grade three’s is: 237

The worksheet to do your number of the day activity is HERE

Examples for grade two’s: 

        *Parts that are in yellow, you must do, parts that are in orange, you can choose to do.


Examples for grade three’s:  

“Write it”: either write out the number in words, or show the number using a place value chart.

“Expanded Form”:  This means to show the full value (hundreds, tens, and ones) for each number .  Example: 37= 30+7   49=40+9,  355= 300 + 50 +5, 499 = 400 + 90 + 9

“Draw it”: Show the given number in two ways using coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies, toonies).  So 48 cents for grade two’s, 237 cents ($2.37) for grade three’s.  Draw the coins using circles.

“Round to 10”:  Remember, if a number ends with 0-4, you round down (ex.44 would be rounded to 40), if a number ends with 5-9, you round up (ex.47 would be rounded to 50). 

  Round to 100″: If a number is 49 or less (in the tens and ones spot), you round down to the nearest hundred (ex. 347= 300) but if a number ends in 50 to 99 (in the tens and ones spot), you round up to the nearest hundred (ex. 378=400).

“Count on 3”:  add 3 to your number

“Count back 3”: subtract 3 from your number  

 *show your work! 

“Double it”: add your number twice!  Remember to show your regrouping!  

“Next 5 even”:  skip count and show the next 5 numbers that end in 0,2,4,6, or 8 

(ex. 48= 48,50, 52,54,56,58)

“Next 5 odd”: skip count and show the next 5 numbers that end in 1,3,5,7,9

(ex. 338=339,341,343,345,347)

*Look at the examples above to see how to do the other ones if you need assistance 🙂 

Second Activity:  If you haven’t already, go to Raz Kids and complete the assigned reading activity I have given you.  Don’t forget to do the quiz and record yourself reading!  

Third Activity:  PE with Joe!  He’s a fitness instructor from Britain and he’s great!  Have fun, Division 10! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me 🙂         


  1. Alex

    I feel like I can do this cause it looks easy. Maybe it is easy. Or is it xD

  2. Alex

    I feel like I can do this cause it looks easy. Maybe it is easy. Or is it ? 😛

  3. Alex

    I think i can do this. It looks kind of easy. But is it? xD

  4. Alex

    It looks easy. But i don’t think it IS easy.

    • edwardsd

      I hope you enjoy this activity, Alex!

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