Mrs Dubé

A homework site for students in my classes.

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April 23, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Work period for lit circle group oral presentations.

** please note, there is an INDIVIDUAL mark assigned for today’s work block, as well as Friday’s, for how well you are (or aren’t) using your time to work on the presentation. Folx who miss class with an unexcused absence will receive a zero for whichever day(s) you miss.

English 8:

Work period for lit circle group oral presentations.

** please note, there is an INDIVIDUAL mark assigned for today’s work block for how well you are (or aren’t) using your time to work on the presentation. Folx who miss class with an unexcused absence will receive a zero.


Oral presentations begin next day. Groups presenting: The Hobbit, Treasure Island and Speak.

English 11FP:

Collect “I Lost My Talk” visual representations at the start of class.

Catch up and work block – ensure everyone has completed work that has been assigned when Mr Terpening was cover my classes for me last week while I was home with my daughter as she recovered from her surgery; ensure Creative Writing prompts x 4 done for portfolio.


April 22, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz at the start of class Fri):

  1. optimism
  2. mischievous
  3. nostalgia
  4. outrageous
  5. pageant
  6. parliament
  7. personification
  8. precocious
  9. procrastinate
  10. protein

Work block for group oral presentations.

English 11FP:

Creative writing prompts x 4 (for portfolio):

Reminder: visual representation for “I Lost My Talk” due next day.

English 12: 

Lit Circle #8; place final materials into group portfolios.

Self and peer assessment on your and your group mates’ engagement and contribution to all 8 of the lit circles.

Hand out criteria for group oral presentations; if you missed today’s class, use this link to access:

Presentation dates: 

Groups presenting on Weds, May 1:


The Handmaid’s…

The Martian

Groups presenting on Fri, May 3:


Everything I Never…

All American…

Remaining class time to begin planning presentations.


April 19, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Lit Circle #8; submit final materials to portfolios.

Self and peer assessment for engagement/work over all 8 of the lit circles.

Criteria for group oral presentations; if you missed today’s class, here’s the link:

Presentation schedule:

Groups presenting on Tues, Apr 30:

A Thousand Splendid…

The Namesake

One Flew Over…

Green Grass…

Groups presenting on Thurs, May 2:

Station Eleven

Medicine River


Remaining class time to begin planning presentations.

English 8:

Spelling quiz at the start of class.

Class time to work on group oral presentations.

English 11FP:

Creative writing prompts x 4 for portfolios; if you missed today’s class, use this link to complete the writes and bring with you next day to add to your portfolio:

Reminder: visual representations of “I Lost My Talk” are due at the start of class Tues.

April 18, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Lit Circle #8; add final materials to portfolios.

Self and peer assessment for engagement and work put into all 8 lit circles.

Go over criteria for group oral presentations:

Presentation dates:

Groups presenting on Fri, Apr 26:

The Hobbit

Forbidden City



Groups presenting on Weds, May 1:

The Giver



Remaining class time to begin planning presentations.

English 11FP: 

Read “I Lost My Talk” by Rita Joe; if you missed today’s class, source a copy of this poem online as it’s widely available.

Analysis assignment; if you missed today’s class, use the following link to access the sheet and complete the work:

English 12: 

Work block for final lit circle on Mon, Apr 22.

April 17, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Work block for final lit circle which is Fri, Apr 19th.

English 8:

Lit Circle #8; add last materials to group portfolios.

Self and peer assessment for engagement/work with all 8 lit circles.

Criteria for group oral presentations:

Presentation dates:

Groups presenting Thurs, Apr 25:

The Hobbit

Treasure Island


Groups presenting Tues, Apr 30th:

The Name of the Game…

The Giver



Remaining class time to work on oral presentations.

English 11FP:

Read, “I Lost My Talk” by Rita Joe. If you missed today’s class, source a copy of this poem online as it’s widely available.

Analysis assignment; if you missed today’s class, use the following link to access and complete:

April 16, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Apostrophe review lesson (note taking).

Apostrophe booklet.

Remaining time to read/prep for Lit Circle #8 on Thurs (Apr 18).

English 11FP:

Brainstorm and rough draft for essay on “Every Little Hurricane” collected at the end of today’s class.

English 12:

Lit Circle #7.

Non-fiction: info text assignment (in class).

April 15, 2024 – Day 2

Thank you to Mr. Terpening for covering my classes through until the 23rd of April as I am home with my daughter as she recovers from surgery.

English 12: 

Lit Circle #7.

Non-fiction info text assignment (in class).

Reminder final lit circle is on Fri, Apr 19th.

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz on Friday):

  • bankruptcy
  • acoustics
  • capably
  • circumference
  • contagious
  • discernable
  • equilibrium
  • haphazard
  • flamboyant
  • inconvenience

Apostrophe review lesson (note taking).

Apostrophe booklet.

Reminder: Lit Circle #8 is on Weds (Apr 17).

English 11FP:

Brainstorm and rough draft of essay collected at the end of today’s class.

April 12, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Spelling quiz at the start of class.

Lit Circle #7.

Poetry analysis assignment on “The Sea” by James Reeves; focus on annotating.

Remaining class time to prepare for Lit Circle #8 which is next Thurs (Apr 18).

English 11FP:

Work period c’ont for essay on “Every Little Hurricane” by Sherman Alexie. Students will also have the full class on Tuesday to finish their work. Complete brainstorm, with quotes and full length draft is due at the end of class Tues. All work will be completed at this time, regardless of whether it is finished or not (to allow me to not only assess your analysis but the amount of work you were able to complete over the 3.5 classes dedicated to this assignment).

English 12:

Lit Circle #6.

Remaining class time to read/prep for Lit Circle #7 which is on Tues (Apr 16).

April 11, 2024 – Day 2

English 12:

Lit Circle #6.

Finish black out poems for portfolio (don’t forget to add to your table of contents!).

Remaining class time to read/prep for Lit Circle #7 which is on Monday.

English 8:

Lit Circle #7.

Poetry analysis on “The Sea” by James Reeves – focus on practicing annotations.

Reminder: next Lit Circle is Weds, Apr 17th.

English 11FP:

Work block c’ont for essay on “Every Little Hurricane.”

Reminder: brainstorm and rough draft (with evidence of editing) will be collected at the end of Monday’s class (you also have that class to finish working on both of these items).

One on one conferences: individual student focus for demonstrating skill development for this essay.

April 10, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Compass survey at 8:40am (school wide); students not writing the survey can use the time to work on their lit circle materials.

Auto-biographical poetry assignment. If you missed today’s class, click the following link to access the criteria sheet and complete the poem for next day:

Remaining class time to read/prep materials for Lit Circle # 7 which is on Fri (Apr 12).

Reminder to review your spelling words – quiz at the start of class Fri.

English 11FP:

Work block for essay.

Finish one on one conferences.

Students will also have a work block on Fri and next Tues; the FULL brainstorm AND rough draft (with evidence of editing) will be collected at the end of class Tues (Apr 16).

English 12:

Time provided to finish black out poetry assignment from Monday; finished poem, stapled to your word bank pages, go in your portfolio. Please ensure you update your table of contents.

Remaining class time to read/prep for Lit Circle #7 which is on Fri (Apr 12).


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