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February 26, 2024 – Day 2


English 12: 

Library period to finish up/print good copies of your Medicine Walk final assessment composition projects.

Projects collected at 10:22am today.

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz at the start of class Fri):

  1. behaviour
  2. alienated
  3. buoyant
  4. business
  5. capital
  6. climate
  7. condensation
  8. culture
  9. currency
  10. denomination

Lit Circle #1: presenting lesson materials in your groups and all work submitted into your group’s LC portfolio before the end of the class.

Remaining class time provided to read and prepare lesson materials for Lit Circle #2 which is on Fri, Mar 1.

English 11FP:

“Qwalena” presentation in the MJF.


February 23, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Students have the entire period today to do their readings and prepare their lesson materials for their first Lit Circle which will be happening at the start of class on Tuesday. If students complete the work required for Tuesday’s class then they can choose to continue reading their novel to get ahead for Lit Circle #2.

English 11FP:

Speech writing brainstorming work (in portfolios):

  1. What is important for us to change in society?
  2. What are you passionate about? What do you want people to know about you?
  3. What problems do youth face? How should schools change to better address your needs?
  4. What outrages you about your school, your community or your world?
  5. What do you think is important for younger people to know before they reach the age that you are now?
  6. What do you wish adults really understood about who you are, or what you need, at this point in your life?

English 12: 

Draft check at the beginning of class.

Peer editing component for your project: students must exchange their draft with at least one other student in the class to engage in peer editing of their work and vice versa. This is a graded component which counts towards the final grade for your paper.

Collect novels and update book cards.

REMINDER: the good copy of your assessment package is due at the end of Tuesday’s class. After the fire drill on Tuesday, scheduled for 12:45pm, we will be in the library for for students to access computers/printers as needed. Projects will be collected at 1:46pm Tuesday, Feb 27th in the library. Please ensure you have all required materials ready to be handed in by the end of this period. ** please note that the fire drill will cut into our time in the library so ensure you will be at a place with your project to still meet the deadline of 1:46pm on Tuesday***

February 22, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Draft check at the beginning of class.

Peer editing component for your project: students must exchange their draft with at least one other student in the class to engage in peer editing of their work and vice versa. This is a graded component which counts towards the final grade for your paper.

Collect novels and update book cards.

REMINDER: the good copy of your assessment package is due at the end of Monday’s class. We will be in the library for Monday’s class for students to access computers/printers as needed. Projects will be collected at 10:22am Monday, Feb 26th in the library. Please ensure you have all required materials ready to be handed in by the end of this period.

English 8:

Students have the entire period today to do their readings and prepare their lesson materials for their first Lit Circle which will be happening at the start of class on Monday. If students complete the work required for Monday’s class then they can choose to continue reading their novel to get ahead for Lit Circle #2.

English 11FP:

Collect field trip forms for the performance on Monday. If you are still owing your form, please ensure it gets to me, signed, by the end of the day tomorrow.

Speech writing brainstorming work (in portfolios):

  1. What is important for us to change in society?
  2. What are you passionate about? What do you want people to know about you?
  3. What problems do youth face? How should schools change to better address your needs?
  4. What outrages you about your school, your community or your world?
  5. What do you think is important for younger people to know before they reach the age that you are now?
  6. What do you wish adults really understood about who you are, or what you need, at this point in your life?


February 21, 2024 – Day 1

English 8: 

Short story projects collected at the start of class.

Lit Circle unit – introduction and overview

  • groups (if you missed today’s class, you will need to see me ASAP to find out which group you are in and which text you will be studying; your group will let you know what role you have been assigned in your absence)
  • criteria including group portfolios
  • choosing text
  • establishing reading schedule and roles for the 8 upcoming lit circles in this unit

Students will have a work block on Friday to do their reading and prepare their lesson materials for the first lit circle which will happen in class on Tues, Feb 27th.  Please ensure you bring your novel and materials required to complete this work in class.

English 11FP:

Reflecting on the two speeches we watched last class by Chief Dan George and Martin Luther King Jr, respond to the following questions in FULL sentences (due by the end of the class). Each question should have a minimum of 5 sentences for your responses.

Formal Oratory – Speech Analysis Prompts

1)Discuss each speaker’s use of their voice in their speech. What do you notice?

2)What motivations are behind each of the speeches?

3)Discuss the political climate at the time each speech was made; what risks did the speakers take saying what they did, when and where, they said it?

4)Comment on the use of repetition and other literary devices they used in their speeches (refer to the hand out of the text to assist you with this question). Offer an overview of what the use of these devices added to the speeches.

English 12: 

Work block for Medicine Walk final composition assessments (due Feb 27).

REMINDER: your complete DRAFT must be ready for the start of class Fri (there is a completion mark for this step). You will be engaging in (mandatory) peer editing with other students on Fri. This step is designed to add strength and clarity to your final product by having feedback from others prior to creating your good copy.

**** please bring your novels to class with you Friday for collection ****

February 20, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Work block for Medicine Walk final composition assessments (due Feb 26).

REMINDER: your complete DRAFT must be ready for the start of class Thurs (there is a completion mark for this step). You will be engaging in (mandatory) peer editing with other students on Thurs. This step is designed to add strength and clarity to your final product by having feedback from others prior to creating your good copy.

**** please bring your novels to class with you Thursday for collection ****

English 8: 

Short story projects collected at the start of class.

Lit Circle unit – introduction and overview

  • groups (if you missed today’s class, you will need to see me ASAP to find out which group you are in and which text you will be studying; your group will let you know what role you have been assigned in your absence)
  • criteria including group portfolios
  • choosing text
  • establishing reading schedule and roles for the 8 upcoming lit circles in this unit

Students will have a work block on Thursday to do their reading and prepare their lesson materials for the first lit circle which will happen in class on Mon, Feb 26th.  Please ensure you bring your novel and materials required to complete this work in class.

English 11FP:

Hand out field trip forms for performance of “Qwalena” by 3 Crows Productions taking place on Feb 26th in Pd 7 and part of Pd 8. Forms need to be back to me no later than Fri (Feb 23) or you will not be able to attend.

Reflecting on the two speeches we watched last class by Chief Dan George and Martin Luther King Jr, respond to the following questions in FULL sentences (due by the end of the class). Each question should have a minimum of 5 sentences for your responses.

Formal Oratory – Speech Analysis Prompts

1)Discuss each speaker’s use of their voice in their speech. What do you notice?

2)What motivations are behind each of the speeches?

3)Discuss the political climate at the time each speech was made; what risks did the speakers take saying what they did, when and where, they said it?

4)Comment on the use of repetition and other literary devices they used in their speeches (refer to the hand out of the text to assist you with this question). Offer an overview of what the use of these devices added to the speeches.

February 15, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Work block for short story projects.

Check point #2 at 11:45am – full draft is due by this time.

REMINDER: your short story project, including your planning, steps 1-3, an edited draft and your TYPED, PRINTED good copy, is due at the start of next class (Weds, Feb 21/24).

English 11FP:

Oral traditions unit: formal oratory.

Important speeches in history: 1) “Lament for Confederation” by Chief Dan George https://vimeo.com/216569738 and 2) “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs

Watch videos of both of these speeches; discuss what makes the speeches engaging/interesting. We will be answering a series of analysis questions about these speeches in class next day. If you missed today’s class, you’ll need to watch/listen to both of these speeches to be prepared for the in class writing you will be doing for this next day.

English 12: 

Work block #1 for Medicine Walk final composition assessment (due Feb 27).

Reminder: completed rough draft due at the start of class next Fri (Feb 23) for peer editing session.

February 14, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Work block #1 for Medicine Walk final composition assessment (due Feb 26).

English 8:

Work block for short story projects.

Check point #2 at 11:45am – full draft is due by this time.

REMINDER: your short story project, including your planning, steps 1-3, an edited draft and your TYPED, PRINTED good copy, is due at the start of next class (Tues, Feb 20/24).

English 11FP:

Oral traditions unit: formal oratory.

Important speeches in history: 1) “Lament for Confederation” by Chief Dan George https://vimeo.com/216569738 and 2) “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs

Watch videos of both of these speeches; discuss what makes the speeches engaging/interesting.

February 13, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Work period for short story projects.

Steps 1-3 check point at the end of this class.

Reminder: your FULL draft is due at the end of class Thursday (you will have Thursday’s class to keep working on this project but draft check point is the end of class Thurs).

English 11FP: 

Read article on oral traditions; make summarizing notes while reading (for portfolio).

OTU Prompt #2 (for portfolio):

What did you learn from Gena or from the experience overall?

What was something new you heard or experienced during her presentation?

What did you like most about her presentation and why?

CW Prompt #9 (for portfolio): 

Write about your voice. Do you think it suits you? Would you change it if you could? How has it changed over the years?

Remainder of class time provided to catch up on any outstanding portfolio work.

English 12: 

Journal for Part 23-25 due at the start of class.

Finish reading Medicine Walk together as a class (p. 239-246).

Gr 12 superlatives sheet (for yearbook).

Mark grammar work sheet.

Review notes on properly punctuating, spacing and indenting dialogue in your writing.

Hand out criteria for Medicine Walk final composition project (due Feb 27); if you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the doc and print out for yourself: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2024/02/Eng-12-Pd-5-MW-Final-Comp-Project-Criteria.docx


Feb 15 & 21 – work periods for planning and drafting; students are welcome to bring laptops/tablets to work on if they would like. Full draft due at the start of class Feb 22. 

Feb 23: peer editing requirement: you must peer edit at least one other student’s work and at least one student must peer edit yours; this is a graded component.

Feb 27: LIBRARY period to complete good copies/type/print. FULL writing package (including planning, edited draft and typed good copy) DUE AT THE END OF THIS CLASS.

February 12, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Journal for Part 23-25 due at the start of class.

Finish reading Medicine Walk together as a class (p. 239-246).

Gr 12 superlatives sheet (for yearbook).

Review notes on properly punctuating, spacing and indenting dialogue in your writing.

Hand out criteria for Medicine Walk final composition project (due Feb 26); if you missed today’s class, please click the following link to access the doc and print out for yourself: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2024/02/Eng-12-Pd-5-MW-Final-Comp-Project-Criteria.docx


Feb 14 & 20 – work periods for planning and drafting; students are welcome to bring laptops/tablets to work on if they would like. Full draft due at the start of class Feb 22. 

Feb 22: peer editing requirement: you must peer edit at least one other student’s work and at least one student must peer edit yours; this is a graded component.

Feb 26: LIBRARY period to complete good copies/type/print. FULL writing package (including planning, edited draft and typed good copy) DUE AT THE END OF THIS CLASS.

English 8:

Work period for short story projects.

Steps 1-3 check point at the end of this class.

Reminder: your FULL draft is due at the end of class Wednesday (you will have Wednesday’s class to keep working on this project but draft check point is the end of class Weds).

English 11FP: 

Read article on oral traditions; make summarizing notes while reading (for portfolio).

Remainder of class time provided to catch up on any outstanding portfolio work.

February 9, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Spelling quiz.

Work block for short story composition project.

Reminder: Steps 1-3 of your planning must be complete by the end of  Tuesday’s class. Your completed DRAFT is due at the end of Thursday’s class. You will be given both of these classes to complete these steps. Work not completed in class will need to be done at home.

English 11FP:

Guest presentation on oral traditions and communication by Gena Sanderson, Indigenous youth worker at Burnaby South.

English 12:

Read p. 223-239 in MW.

Journal reflection assignment (using the same 6 questions we have used before) for Parts 23-25 (p. 223-239); DUE at the start of class Tues (Feb 13).


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