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May 8, 2024 – Day 2

English 12:

Protest poetry tradition c’ont; discussion and analysis w annotation.

Hand out criteria for research essay. If you missed today’s class, use this link to access: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2024/05/English-12-GD-Essay-Pd-5.docx

Students are reminded to bring laptops/tablets next day to begin their research.

Essay will be written IN CLASS on May 16th. Students who are absent without being excused on this day will take a zero on this essay.

English 8:

40 mins of class time provided to complete Journal #1 for Word Nerd; journal check next day so if it isn’t complete in class, must be done in flex or for homework.

Read p. 27 – 46 in Word Nerd .

Reminder: spelling quiz at the start of class Fri. Remember to review your words!

English 11FP:

S1, E7 and almost all of E8 of “Reservation Dogs”; note taking on themes and topics being represented in the episodes. We’ll finish the last few mins at the start of class Fri and then beginning organizing our notes for our essay outline.


May 7, 2024 – Day 1

English 8: 

15 mins of time to work on the creative writing prompt from last class. This piece stays in your portfolio.

Read p. 1-26 in Word Nerd.

Journal #1 (p. 1-26). Please ensure you are using the UPDATED criteria for the journals and NOT the criteria we used when we studied Henry K. Larsen.

English 11FP:

Finish watching Season 1 of “Reservation Dogs” on Disneyplus.

Note taking whilst watching for themes/topics.

English 12: 

Creative writing! FIVE prompts for your writing portfolio and class time to write. If you missed today’s class, you can access the criteria sheet here: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2024/05/Eng-12-Creative-Prompts-May-2024.docx

Reminder: you can use both poetry and prose for your creative writing prompts; focus on detail and description; consider the five senses!

May 6, 2024 – Day 2

English 12:

Creative writing prompts (for portfolio); 40 mins in class time to work on your writing. If you missed today’s class, use this link for the prompt sheet: http://sd41blogs.ca/dubes/files/2024/05/Eng-12-Creative-Prompts-May-2024.docx

Intro: the protest poetry tradition; if you missed today’s class, please get the booklet from me when you’re back.

English 8:

Copy spelling words (quiz Fri):

  1. optimism
  2. mischievous
  3. nostalgia
  4. outrageous
  5. pageant
  6. parliament
  7. personification
  8. precocious
  9. procrastinate
  10. protein

Read p. 1-27 in Word Nerd.

Journal #1 [p. 1-27] (for portfolio) using UPDATED prompts from last day. Please be VERY careful to ensure you are using the UPDATED criteria for the journal prompts and NOT the ones we used for Henry K Larsen.

English 11FP:

Continue watching “Reservation Dogs” on Disneyplus S1, E5 & 6. Note taking for themes you see being evidenced in the episodes.

May 3, 2024 – Day 1

English 8: 

Pre-reading discussions for new novel study.

Update journal prompts we used for Henry K Larsen to reflect updated criteria for our next novel, Word Nerd. This sheet is to be kept in your portfolio so it’s always there when we are working through that text. If you missed today’s class, you will need to update the sheet in your portfolio by using the notes below:

1)How has the plot advanced? **4-8 full sentences**

2) Were there any new characters introduced? Describe them. **give their name; list as many point form details about them as you can**

3) Were there any words that were new to you in this section? If so, copy out the word(s) and the definition(s). If there weren’t any new words, choose at least two unique or interesting words, copy them out and write their definitions.

4) Reflecting on this section of reading, make a connection between an aspect of the text and your own life. Write a NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH that is at least 6-10 sentences in length. Focus on proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure (including capital letters).

5) What do you think will happen in the next section? **1-2 full sentences **

6)Was your prediction correct from your last entry? **full sentence required with an explanation for why it was or wasn’t correct **

Hand out new novels and update book cards.

Creative writing prompt (for portfolio):

Picture a photo from your childhood, one you know well. Narrate the scene around the taking of that photo, to the best of your memory.

Please ensure you bring Word Nerd to class with you on Tuesday as we’ll be starting the book then.

English 11FP:

Finish watching S1, E 4, 5 and 6 of “Reservation Dogs” while taking notes on themes you see being depicted in the episodes.

English 12: 

Oral presentations.

Self and peer assessments.

Collect novels and update book cards.


May 2, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Oral presentations.

Self and peer assessments.

Collect novels and update book cards.

English 8: 

Pre-reading discussions for new novel study.

Update journal prompts we used for Henry K Larsen to reflect updated criteria for our next novel, Word Nerd. This sheet is to be kept in your portfolio so it’s always there when we are working through that text. If you missed today’s class, you will need to update the sheet in your portfolio by using the notes below:

1)How has the plot advanced? **4-8 full sentences**

2) Were there any new characters introduced? Describe them. **give their name; list as many point form details about them as you can**

3) Were there any words that were new to you in this section? If so, copy out the word(s) and the definition(s). If there weren’t any new words, choose at least two unique or interesting words, copy them out and write their definitions.

4) Reflecting on this section of reading, make a connection between an aspect of the text and your own life. Write a NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH that is at least 6-10 sentences in length. Focus on proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure (including capital letters).

5) What do you think will happen in the next section? **1-2 full sentences **

6)Was your prediction correct from your last entry? **full sentence required with an explanation for why it was or wasn’t correct **

Hand out new novels and update book cards.

Creative writing prompt (for portfolio):

Picture a photo from your childhood, one you know well. Narrate the scene around the taking of that photo, to the best of your memory.

Please ensure you bring Word Nerd to class with you on Monday as we’ll be starting the book then.

English 11FP:

Finish watching S1, E 3 and 4 of “Reservation Dogs” while taking notes on themes you see being depicted in the episodes.

Notes for season 1, episodes 1-4 will be used beginning on Monday for writing the next essay for the course. If you have missed one or more episodes, please source on Disneyplus to catch up if you can.


May 1, 2024 – Day 1

English 8: 

Oral presentations.

Self and peer evaluations.

Please bring novels next day for collection if you forgot yours today.

English 11FP:

Review common essay errors (note taking).

Common essay errors:

-Ensure your reading of a text is correct when writing a literary essay.

For example, details such as the fact that Spokane is located in Washington State, USA is critical. If you wrongly cite it as Canada and go on to discuss Canadian politics or stances on Indigenous justice, your analysis is flawed.

-In a literary essay, don’t review the author’s writing skills unless you have been specifically instructed to. For example, avoid statements like, “Alexie masterfully creates extended metaphors…”

Sherman Alexie is an extremely successful published author. The majority of us aren’t; therefore, while you can comment on the text itself, avoid offering accolades or criticism of his writing ability.

-Be careful with your wording in a literary essay. Many people wrote, “Alexie says…” but this is incorrect.

He writes it, he doesn’t say it. Saying is oral.

-Integrate your quotes smoothly into your writing. We have taken notes on this specific skill twice so far this year. If you were absent or simply chose not to take the notes on this, you will see the negative impact of this on your mark.

If I have commented on your paper that you’re not integrating your quotes properly, you need to come see me in flex ASAP so we can get this skill sorted out for you.

  • You must meet minimum length requirements for your paragraphs to demonstrate the ability to write compositions at grade level. Paragraphs that are only 5-6 sentences are not demonstrating this skill.
  • Your planning and brainstorming are KEY to your success with this. If you plan your ideas clearly and carefully, you ensure you will have enough to talk about in your paper.
  • Effective planning will also help cut down on being redundant in your writing. Some folx were restating a single point multiple times and the impact on your grade is evident.

– Semantics – the story takes place ON a reservation, not IN a reservation.

-You state the FULL name of the author in your intro but then only refer to them by their last name in the body of your essay.

Continuing to refer to him as “Sherman Alexie” throughout your paper demonstrates a lack of understanding and sophistication with literary essay.

-Ensure you use a variety of transitions between the paragraphs in your paper. If they all sound the same, it detracts from the level of accuracy with a paper.

Don’t lose the nifty handout I’m going to give you on some good transitions you can use.

Finish S1, E3 of “Reservation Dogs” and S1, E4 (on Disneyplus). Note taking for scenes you feel relate to the 21 themes and topics for the FP course (notes kept in portfolio).

English 12: 

Oral presentations.

Self and peer evaluations.

Please bring novels next day for collection.

April 30, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Oral presentations.

Please bring novels next day for collection.

English 8: 

Oral presentations.

Please bring novels next day for collection.

English 11FP:

Review common essay errors (note taking).

Watch S1, E2 [incomplete] of “Reservation Dogs” (on Disneyplus). Note taking for scenes you feel relate to the 21 themes and topics for the FP course (notes kept in portfolio).

April 26, 2024 – Day 1

English 8: 

Spelling quiz.

Oral presentations.

English 11FP:

Review 21 themes and topics for First Peoples’ lit.

Watch S1, E2 and part of S1, E3 of “Reservation Dogs” on Disneyplus. Note taking for scenes, characters etc that you feel connect with various themes and topics for the course. These notes will be used in the writing of an upcoming synthesis essay.

English 12:

Final work block for lit circle group oral presentations.

Groups presenting Weds: 1984, Handmaid’s… and Martian.

April 25, 2024 – Day 2

English 12: 

Final work block for group oral presentations.

Groups presenting Tues AM = A Thousand Splendid Suns, Namesake, Cuckoo’s Nest and Green Grass...

Please bring your novels for collection.

English 8:

Oral presentations.

Groups presenting Tues AM = The Name of the Game…, Giver, Stargirl and The Gospel According...

Please bring your novels for collection.

English 11FP:

Review 21 themes and topics for First Peoples’ Lit:

  • Connection of people to the land and environment
  • Interdependence and connectedness of everything
  • Connection to spirit and spirituality
  • Sustainability and continuity
  • Responsibility to family and community
  • Importance of identity
  • The nature of learning and connection to story
  • Transformation
  • Diversity
  • Tradition vs modernity
  • Importance of oral tradition
  • Relationship between individual, family and community
  • Nature of knowledge
  • Experience and impacts of colonization
  • Decolonization
  • Humour and its role in First Peoples’ cultures
  • Intergenerational loss
  • Loss
  • Resilience and healing
  • Connection to ancestors
  • Importance of balance

Watch Season 1, Episode 1 of “Reservation Dogs” (on Disney Plus). Note taking about aspects of the episode you feel relate to the various themes and topics.


April 24, 2024 – Day 1

English 8:

Work period for lit circle group oral presentations.

** please note, there is an INDIVIDUAL mark assigned for today’s work block for how well you are (or aren’t) using your time to work on the presentation. Folx who miss class with an unexcused absence will receive a zero.


Oral presentations begin next day. Groups presenting: The Hobbit, Forbidden City, Stargirl and Castle.

English 11FP:

Collect “I Lost My Talk” visual representations at the start of class.

Catch up and work block – ensure everyone has completed work that has been assigned when Mr Terpening was cover my classes for me last week while I was home with my daughter as she recovered from her surgery; ensure Creative Writing prompts x 4 done for portfolio.

English 12: 

Work period for lit circle group oral presentations.

** please note, there is an INDIVIDUAL mark assigned for today’s work block, as well as Friday’s, for how well you are (or aren’t) using your time to work on the presentation. Folx who miss class with an unexcused absence will receive a zero for whichever day(s) you miss.

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