Quick Update Thursday February 18th

Hello Everyone,

No School Tomorrow!

Quick Update of our projects and work status:

  • Math quiz on Wednesday
  • Puppet Pals scripts and prep is complete, but we will continue recording on Monday and Tuesday as only so many students can do it at one time
  • Games are in progress and more time will be given on Monday; we will see where we are at then, with the hope of finishing by end of day.
  • Scale Building Project for Math: Draw another version of your design in your grid book with one section open, so we can see the inside of the building.
  • French: Finish two more pages of packets. End product will be writing about ourselves using this vocabulary and grammar as a guide. We went over conjugation today.
  • Exploration: Continue writing down things for the explorations in your new green journal. Remember you are keeping a record over the next three days.
  • Journal Descriptive Writing: Lots of time was given for this in class, so most finished, but if not done, please finish for Monday.

Anyone in the Leadership Camp tomorrow (anyone who submitted an application) please meet at Burnaby South main entrance at 8:50 AM (not the theatre entrance) and pick up is promptly at 3PM.

Science Games teams please do your homework as related to the projects due before March 5th, the day of the games. If you do not know what you should be doing, please contact your team members.

We went through all work that has been due over last month to ensure everyone had turned it in. Report cards are coming up soon, and we will be doing some self-assessment together next week.

Have a great Friday! Ms. D is presenting to teachers about the new curriculum and about making units like the ones we do in class!

Next blog contributor is Brian!!!

Wednesday February 17 Update

Hello everybody! My name is Jay. I am from Ms. D’s class and I will talk about what we did today.

Unit Work:  First, in the morning Ms. D gave us a handout that told us how to be an explorer. Inside the packet were some activities to do to become more aware, to become better observers, and to lead to new discoveries. The first activity was to list ten things which you didn’t notice before you sat down. The second was to make a survey of five questions and ask everyone in the class these questions (questions should not have a yes or a no answer.) We recorded these in a new Exploration Booklet and will keep doing exercises each day.

LA: Then we read Lemoncello again and did READING POWER visualizing. We had to think of a picture in the story and write descriptive words about it. We found out today that Lemoncello has a book #2 that just arrived at the library!

Math: What we did in math was reviewing what we did in this unit. There will be a QUIZ ON THE UNIT next week on Wednesday. Homework is to study for the quiz. The main part on math was measuring circles and getting the area, circumference,  diameter and radius. (These will all be on the quiz.) We also looked at some architectural renderings and scale models Ms. D brought in as an introduction to our own project of creating a scale plan and model of a building.

Puppet Pals: After lunch we had Puppet Pals and Game work time. For puppet pals practice your script at home so you can record it tomorrow. The due date for it is Thursday EOD. Homework is to bring game pieces and other materials for your game or work on it a bit at home. The game is due EOD Monday. More time will be given tomorrow.

PE:  During P.E. today we partnered up to make a lesson together about a cardiovascular sport or activity such as soccer, basket ball, martial arts, etc. Homework is to make the topic you are doing if you haven’t yet.

The Caribou test is TOMORROW so if you haven’t practiced yet start practicing here.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, February 16th, What We Did Today

Hello, Michael here. I will be doing the blog entry for today.

To start off the day we had a competition to see what table could name the most adjectives. Using those adjectives we then described a place or a painting of our choice.We practiced “showing not telling” to make a photo with words. This will help us create a personal narrative for the migration unit and language arts.

Then we did French until recess. Homework is to do two pages of whichever packet you are on.

After recess we read for fifteen minutes.

Then we worked on puppet pals till lunch. The project is due Thursday end of day.

After lunch we read the stories about immigrants that came into Canada which you should read some more about, here:

Immigrant stories Pier 21

US Migrant Stories

Then we worked on our board games till the end of the day. This project is due Monday end of day.

Goodbye! Hope you have a great night.

Monday, February 15 2016, What We Did

Hello everyone, I am Peter in Ms. DeTerra’s class. I am going to write your blog post as Ms. DeTerra was not here today. Before I tell you about the day I would like to say thank you to Ms. Talib for substituting for Ms. DeTerra.

First, we gave each other our valentines candy or cards.

Then, we worked on our French. For homework, try to finish at least 2 more pages. While you are doing that, try to say the words out loud to practice.

At 9:50, we went to the Scholastic book fair in the school library where you can buy books, stuff for school, kits(science, spy, etc) and posters.

After we came back, we had silent reading until recess. After recess, we worked on puppet pals. Some people are ahead of others on the work, so if you haven’t finished an outline or storyboard, do it for homework. At 11:30, we had a choice of working on math or continuing puppet pals.

For lunch, we had an inside day where we played, but some people were quite loud. After lunch, we went to Mrs. Lee’s grade 2/3’s as we made math flashcards for them since they are learning math.

After that, we went to gym where we did stretches, bloods, military jumping jacks, running and a fun round of dodgeball.

Finally, we read 2 more chapters of “Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s library.” This time we drew a picture and wrote words that led to that picture.

For homework:2 more pages of french. Find materials for your game if you need materials at home.

Note: A notice was sent home today on the upcoming spring musical.

Note: No school on Friday, pro D day.

Reminder:Book fair is going on for the whole week, it is open at recess, lunch and after school until 4 PM.

Bye everyone! Hope you have a good but rainy night!

Friday, February 12th Update

Happy Weekend!

Quick update of what we did on Friday:

  • We read more of Lemoncello and I asked everyone to let Ms. D know what materials they need for their game construction by making a list on the board.
  • We have now completed the Reading Powers of Connection, Questioning, and Visualizing. Next come the more challenging ones of Infer and Transform. After we finish this book, everyone will read one of five books in Lit Circle groups, using these reading powers to complete assignments together.
  • We worked on Puppet Pals again, and I emphasized how EVERYONE needs to do an outline or a storyboard for their presentation, because it will help them be more organized when creating the final version. For tutorials and rubric, see here.
  • We had Library and picked out books to last us for awhile, as we don’t have library next week. Book fair preview is on Monday at 9:50 AM!!
  • We are trying to narrow down our topic of interest for the end of year project. Today we partnered with someone to do a brainstorm together, to build on our ideas. We will be talking about this once per week until Spring Break.
  • Free Choice involved a surprise visit from Mr. L, my husband, as he had an early dismissal from his high school. He brought over some of the projects he does with the students (he is a shop teacher of automotive, metal works, drafting, electronics, wood, maker group, etc.) Students enjoyed LED projects and metal tools, including metal tops which they tried to spin. They asked questions about the types of things high school students get to do in a shop. Thanks Mr. L for dropping by! He is going to try to come again with his 3D printer and other projects, as we have many makers in our classroom who are interested.

For Monday:

  • French, 2 pages (or just finish the first packet labeled #1 on human body)
  • Book Fair Preview Monday
  • Puppet Pals Outline / Storyboard if you need some time
  • Look for game materials to bring if you need it
  • NEW CARIBOU TEST NEXT WEEK!!! Caribou math competitors should go online and try the interactive challenge before Wednesday.
  • Short week next week- ProD day on Friday the 19th.
  • Anyone in our class have someone who works in architecture in their family that might like to come in and talk about scale models, etc.?
  • Ms. D away Monday to work with teachers, but lots planned for you guys — time to work on projects, French work, Math Polygons partner chart, Lemoncello reading, buddies, gym, book fair. Have a great Monday!

February 11th, Thursday

Hi Everyone,

Great day today — we had an online quiz using google forms, worked on puppet pals, talked about what it means to explore and wrote about it in our journals, read some more Lemoncello, and did some math work with protractors.

For tomorrow, please (in this priority, doing whatever you are able — #1 and #2 are what we need done for tomorrow):

  1. Tuning In — Finish it by end of day tomorrow
  2. Finish your journal entry on exploration
  3. Make a storyboard or outline for your puppet pal presentation (most of you started thinking about this today)
  4. Finish 2 more pages of French (I handed out package #2 to those who were ready.)

Bring library books as we have a special library session. No library next week due to the Book Fair.

Valentine’s Exchange will be on Monday, per the class vote. Everyone has agreed to bring in either a candy for everyone (that can be put in the bags), a card, or a candy with a card. Any of those is okay, as long as you bring enough for everyone. If you need a list of names, please see me tomorrow.

Thank you to Michael’s Mom, Emma’s Mom, Sylvia’s Dad, and Joshua’s Dad for volunteering to be with us during the Reifel Bird Sanctuary Trip. We appreciate your time!!

Ms. D

Fantastic Chinese New Year Celebration, Wednesday Feb. 10

Wow! What a great Chinese New Year celebration! I haven’t seen it done so elaborately before in other schools, so it was great to see everyone’s excitement and performances. Thank you to all of Division 5 for their musical contributions; to Shelley for playing piano; to Emma, Sylvia and Shelley for ribbon dancing; to Emma and Sylvia for fan dancing; and to David, Adrian and Shelley for the beautiful banners. If I missed anyone, I apologize, but I was impressed with all of your work and that you all contributed to the school community! (Division 5 is starting to make a name for itself at Suncrest after this and the Reader’s Theatre presentations last week!)

Today we began working on puppet pals, which is an app in which you can make a story, record your voice, create backgrounds, etc. If you have an iPad at home, I highly recommend it. There is a free version, but we are using the Puppet Pals HD Director’s Pass. Everyone experimented with the app today, and we will be using it to make a story about our animals, their migrations, and the biomes where they live.

We are also finishing up our Quilt of Belonging pieces, which are due by EOD Friday.

We read more chapters from Lemoncello and we are now working on a language arts project to create a fabulous game Mr. Lemoncello would want in his collection! The game must 1. Be creative, 2. Be a board game, 3. Involve some strategy, and 4. Not be a game we have copied or found elsewhere. We will construct the games and share them with other partner groups in class.

Tomorrow we have a socials and science quiz on migration. We reviewed material yesterday and today. Please use your binder to study: key vocabulary, push factors, pull factors, criteria for immigrating into Canada, the difference between a 1st and 3rd world country, biomes, migration cues and types for animals, etc. I see many of you left your blue binders here when you packed your bags, so I hope you are all set for tomorrow?

Don’t forget our Reifel Bird Sanctuary field trip slips!

Have a good night!

Tuesday, February 9th

Happy Chinese New Year! Tomorrow, please wear red as we will be celebrating Chinese New Year together. There is a special assembly in the afternoon. Thank you to all students who helped with the banners for the assembly today, especially Shelley, David and Adrian who stayed in during their lunch break time to do painting.

Tonight, please finish your animal research if not done already so you can begin playing with the Puppet Pals app to make a mini presentation. I think you will find this app a lot of fun to use, as it is interactive and uses voice and your choice of images to tell a story!

Please study the migration information from your blue binder. We will have a “checking in quiz” which will be closed book on Thursday. We did some review today. Please know that I am not checking for tiny details like how many people immigrated to a country. We went over questions I would ask today, which focus on vocabulary and main ideas.

If you are interested in purchasing one of the pencilgrams being sold by the grade sevens, they will be on sale at lunch tomorrow, but make sure you fill out one of the pink forms. There are some available in the classroom.

Everyone did a fabulous job during our Burnaby Art Gallery workshop, learning about First Nations art, the shapes used in their printmaking, and having the opportunity to use a screen-painting technique. Everyone took home their art today, and I will post some on the blog later for you to see.

Tuning In for Friday, Feb. 12th.

Bring in field trip notices, please. They are due Friday. I don’t yet have enough volunteers, so ask Mom and Dad if they can join us!

Have a good night!

Happy Family Day Weekend

Happy Family Day Weekend! No school on Monday.

Congratulations to everyone on a job well done presenting our reader’s theatre stories this morning! You delivered your lines with great expression and the classes enjoyed your presentations. Thank you for your hard work on creative props and costumes, and thank you for adding to the school’s Literacy Week celebration!

In Science, please answer at least one question for your animals research or add detail to the research you have. I encourage you, if you are in town, to visit the public library and try to use books for your research, as well.

For French, I have given out a packet to complete and study on the parts of the body. Homework is do two pages, which we started in class. Everyone will write a short description of themselves in French using vocabulary from this packet and those to come. There will be a quiz on the words during the week of Feb. 15, so please practice them by completing the work and saying the words aloud.

As regards our recent spelling quiz. If you had trouble with the words, I asked you to write them again. I think it is important to practice words we use frequently; however, I look mainly at your project work for language arts marks. Quizzes CAN make you aware of words you don’t know as well and encourage you to practice. Even if you make frequent spelling errors, the more important thing is that you know how to edit. Practicing words allows us to recognize them when misspelled. Know which tools can help you spell properly, and take the time to edit and present your work well.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday February 4th Update

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder to make sure you have:

  • turned in all your work
  • your name on all assignments
  • paid attention to criteria for the assignment
  • turned in written work on the sheets I give you or lined paper, and
  • added enough detail to show your thinking.

It is very common in January and February for students to have a bit of a slump, when we are all feeling more tired after the break, with illness and the rain. I have encouraged everyone to remember, though, to put their best effort forward as we head into our second report card, coming up soon!

Reifel Bird Sanctuary Field Trip is Feb. 26th. If you paid online, please send in the white slip saying you did pay. I don’t have immediate access to the school’s online payment system, so it will help greatly if you just let me know if you have paid.

Reader’s Theatre Presentations are tomorrow! Please make sure you practice your lines and bring in all costume and prop items tomorrow! We start with presentations at 9AM so please be on time. 

Literacy Week Last Day: Wear a shirt that says “read” or has books on it if you want for tomorrow. Ballots matching teacher books to teacher names are due tomorrow morning. There will be a reading assembly with the whole school in the afternoon.

Science Research on Animals: Please take some time to do some more research on at least one of the questions for homework. I encourage you to use library books, as well, that we picked up today during library time. If anyone visits the public library, look for resources that may help you.

Math, Socials and Science: Keep notes and homework organized, as you can use them to do our quizzes in these subject areas Thursday and Friday next week. Math will involve questions similar to our Skyscrapers work, as well as metric conversion. Socials will be about human immigration and vocabulary, and science will be about biomes, types of migration and migration cues. We will complete the scale measurement map of our classroom we were doing today for Math and move on to creating a draft of our skyscraper. Be thinking about what you would like to use to make your scale model discussed today.

Tuning In Articles due on February 12.

Thank you and have a good night!



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