Tuesday, February 16th, What We Did Today

Hello, Michael here. I will be doing the blog entry for today.

To start off the day we had a competition to see what table could name the most adjectives. Using those adjectives we then described a place or a painting of our choice.We practiced “showing not telling” to make a photo with words. This will help us create a personal narrative for the migration unit and language arts.

Then we did French until recess. Homework is to do two pages of whichever packet you are on.

After recess we read for fifteen minutes.

Then we worked on puppet pals till lunch. The project is due Thursday end of day.

After lunch we read the stories about immigrants that came into Canada which you should read some more about, here:

Immigrant stories Pier 21

US Migrant Stories

Then we worked on our board games till the end of the day. This project is due Monday end of day.

Goodbye! Hope you have a great night.