Thursday February 4th Update

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder to make sure you have:

  • turned in all your work
  • your name on all assignments
  • paid attention to criteria for the assignment
  • turned in written work on the sheets I give you or lined paper, and
  • added enough detail to show your thinking.

It is very common in January and February for students to have a bit of a slump, when we are all feeling more tired after the break, with illness and the rain. I have encouraged everyone to remember, though, to put their best effort forward as we head into our second report card, coming up soon!

Reifel Bird Sanctuary Field Trip is Feb. 26th. If you paid online, please send in the white slip saying you did pay. I don’t have immediate access to the school’s online payment system, so it will help greatly if you just let me know if you have paid.

Reader’s Theatre Presentations are tomorrow! Please make sure you practice your lines and bring in all costume and prop items tomorrow! We start with presentations at 9AM so please be on time. 

Literacy Week Last Day: Wear a shirt that says “read” or has books on it if you want for tomorrow. Ballots matching teacher books to teacher names are due tomorrow morning. There will be a reading assembly with the whole school in the afternoon.

Science Research on Animals: Please take some time to do some more research on at least one of the questions for homework. I encourage you to use library books, as well, that we picked up today during library time. If anyone visits the public library, look for resources that may help you.

Math, Socials and Science: Keep notes and homework organized, as you can use them to do our quizzes in these subject areas Thursday and Friday next week. Math will involve questions similar to our Skyscrapers work, as well as metric conversion. Socials will be about human immigration and vocabulary, and science will be about biomes, types of migration and migration cues. We will complete the scale measurement map of our classroom we were doing today for Math and move on to creating a draft of our skyscraper. Be thinking about what you would like to use to make your scale model discussed today.

Tuning In Articles due on February 12.

Thank you and have a good night!