Elements Superhero/Villain — Part 2!

Hello Everyone!

Now that we have done our research (it was due May 3rd as posted on the blog), it is time to move on to the second part. If you haven’t finished your research, I suggest you add that to your list of things to catch up on during the 30-40 minutes at home.

There are two steps to the Element Superhero/Villain Project!

Step One:  Create Art!

  • Ms. D will give you a piece of paper.
  • Using your research, create a picture of what you think your element superhero or villain would look like.
  • Use the full sheet of paper.
  • It does not have to have a traditional human shape, but it does need to have some human characteristics. Think about some of the superheroes and villains you have seen in movies or on TV.
  • If I look at your picture, I should be able to connect your art choices to some of the physical and chemical properties you found out about your element.
  • Picture needs to be fine lined and coloured.
  • Picture needs a title – what is the name of your superhero/villain, and try to use something other than just the element name.
  • Picture needs a chemical symbol, in top right corner, in a one inch by one inch box.

Step Two: Monologue

  • Pretend to be this superhero or villain!
  • Write a monologue, or first-person speech as if you were speaking as or being this element superhero or villain.
  • Somewhere in the monologue, mention your superpowers.
  • Rather than telling us all about yourself, tell us a quick story of something you did with your superhero/villain powers.
  • Use descriptive vocabulary, transition words, and conjunctions to make more complex sentences.
  • Use new vocabulary you may have found from your research. Make sure I can HEAR in your monologue some of your research.
  • Write a draft in your journal or on the computer, your choice. Then, edit carefully for conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling, etc.) and especially RUN ON SENTENCES. Many of you are using a comma to separate two ideas in a sentence, but you need to use AND, BUT, OR, SO as connecting conjunction words between two ideas.
  • Break your ideas into paragraphs, and please make sure to indent.
  • The final monologue will be approximately one page long, typed, 1.5 line spaced, in Arial 12 font, with margins of 1 inch on each side. If you need help doing this, please ask, as we have many tech experts who can help.
  • You will create a costume based on your art. This can include a mask, props, etc. I can provide some materials, but you are also welcome to use anything from home.
  • You will present the monologue to the class, memorized. Include actions and funny things as you want! You can even include music as a theme song while you are talking. Be creative as you want to.
  • These monologues should be approximately 2 minutes long. Please don’t make the speech any longer than one page as explained, or longer than 3 minutes total, as we don’t have time to listen to all of them if they are longer than that.
  • If you would prefer to video tape your speech at home and present it that way, I am okay with that! Upload the video to your One Drive at home, then share with me a LINK to your video that I can edit and access, so we can show it on the projector.
  • You will post a picture of yourself as the element on the e-port.
  • Have fun!

We will work on these over the next month, and presentations will be due no later than June 6.

Thank you,

Ms. D