Quick Updates During Holiday Week! December 14th

Hello Everyone,

We are coming soon to the end of our STRUCTURES related unit, but we are not quite done. A few more tasks to do!

Socials/Applied Math Maps: Due to absences, snow, etc., Ms. D is giving more time on making the map of our imaginary cities. They will be due on Friday! Then, after the break, students will have time to work with their partners on the brochure portion.

Design a Product: As a final fun project for this unit, each student will create a simple prototype of a product designed to solve a specific problem or need at school or at home. Students can be thinking of their “problem” over the break, and then we will be doing the prototypes during our first week back.

Secret Santa/White Elephant: Please remember to wrap both presents and bring them in. If anyone has trouble finding a White Elephant gift, then they should come and talk privately to Ms. D before Friday and I will help. Thank you!

Class Party: Class party on Friday. Please wear pajamas! Prizes for the best ones, as well as house points for the school. We will be going to the Pancake Breakfast in the morning! Don’t forget to bring your treats if you signed up to bring something.

Report Cards: Report cards go home today. I have individually conferenced with each student, so they should all be able to explain their report cards to their parents.

Next Unit!: Will be a bit of a surprise. We will start it the week AFTER we come back. We have some big plans and it should be fun!

Upcoming Field Trip: A long way in advance, but please mark the date. On April 18th, which is the day we come back from Easter Break, we will be going on a special field trip to the Lower Seymour Conservation Area to see our water reservoir. This field trip is special because we will be going to a place not usually open to the public, and the trip is partially funded by Greater Vancouver Regional District programs. We will be taking a bus to the reservoir area, then hiking outside to get a better view.

Happy Holidays!

Ms. D