Acts of Kindness Update!

Hello Everyone,

Well, it is Day 8, and we discussed two Acts of Kindness today that our class will be involved in over the next week. First, we are making posters tonight for the Food Bank Drive at school. Second, Ms. D contacted the BCSPCA in Burnaby to ask them if they need anything to support the animal population and their work there. Ms. D will put a basket in the classroom, and you can donate anything you would like me to take there after next week. Items to donate, according to the BCSPCA are:

  • Blankets
  • Canned Food
  • Toys

The blankets can be small, older blankets (for example, older swaddling blankets for babies) or other blankets you are done with. Canned food and toys can be any variety for dogs, cats, and smaller animals such as rabbits and rodents (hamsters, rats, gerbils, etc.)

You are not required to donate in any way. Our class has enjoyed having the gerbils as class pets, so I suggested if anyone is able that we make donations to animals, in the same way we are making donations to humans through the food bank, given the connection Division 5 students have with our furry friends. Thank you in advance for any donations you make!

Also, please watch the news reports about the snow. Check the news before heading in tomorrow morning! And, as always, be safe. If anyone is unable to make it because of snow tomorrow, please know we can always make up the work next week!

Have a good evening!

Ms. D