Holiday Countdown: Seven days to go?

Hello Everyone!

Today we worked steadily on unit review, creating our cities, and working on our acts of kindness along with our buddies.

Unit Quiz: The unit quiz is an open-book set of four questions related to form=function and our discussions during the unit. Students can use their blue binders, but the quiz must be done at school. Everyone should review their blue binders at home and think about their responses, so they can use the time at school to answer the questions. 

Making a City: Due to snow, absences, and just wanting to make sure the projects are quality, Ms. D is giving everyone until Dec. 14th, Wednesday, to finish their maps and advertising information. All work is done at school, although you can think about it at home.

Independent Math: You can mark your math independently using our marking books, and then you should ask any questions you have. Afterwards, show your homework to me and we will decide if you are ready for the unit quiz. All first unit quizzes are printed and ready to take for those who have marked their homework and have shown the work to the teacher. Remember, applied math is the major part of our work together as a class, and we are currently using measurement, coordinates, grids, and scale for our mapping project. Next, we will be applying math to forensics situations and problem solving of mysteries after the break!

French: Beginner French students are working in the textbook Complete French Smarts for a bit. Grade fives may note the review of vocab from last year. We will go over vocab together and there will be quizzes on the lesson sections. French Immersion students are researching holiday vocabulary or a song and must construct a lesson and activity for the whole class to do. Songs must be short and vocab must be taught. If doing just vocab, then an activity such as a worksheet, word find, or puzzle can be done to go along with it. Or something else creative! French Immersion students should also look at and complete the handouts from the Complete French Smarts for review, as well.

Holiday Prep: We sent home the glitter jars today! Enjoy! And we helped our buddies in Div. 9 make a secret art project. We have been making many mini art projects for both our tree and gifts! Don’t forget to work on your Secret Santa and White Elephant gifts. Thank you for participating in our Acts of Kindness! We will be helping Div. 1 with the food bank drive by making posters and helping box goods next week.

Hour of Code: We have been doing coding activities on as part of the Hour of Code worldwide. Feel free to continue these activities at home! Thank you to Peter’s Dad who came in today to talk about coding and computers with us!

Have a great night!

Ms. D