November 19 Update

Good evening!

The last two days we have been focusing on math and physics combined by working on problems related to speed, distance and time. For those with more advanced math, it was optional to practice word problems related to acceleration. Then, we read about how work is measured in joules and practiced using the formula of work = distance x force.

Yesterday, I introduced students to Rube Tube which is a website dedicated to Rube Goldberg and his contraptions! Two particular favourite videos of these machines are the music video and the Honda Commercial. I encourage students to watch the other videos on the Rube Tube site that we haven’t seen yet or any others they find! Tonight’s homework is to complete some research on Rube Goldberg and to investigate whether he was a serious scientist or an eccentric innovator. I will give some time tomorrow, but this is due by end of day Friday. Our next step will be to design a Rube Goldberg machines of our own (a mini version) using the simple machines we have been looking at, so I am asking everyone to think about what task they have in mind for their machine and what kinds of materials they think they may need.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Caribou Math Competition! Results should be available shortly, most likely by tomorrow. Just as a reminder, this competition is completely optional and not required. While I encourage it as an extension of math in our class, these exercises and scores are not something I look at for evaluation of the student or for marks. Best of luck to all who completed the test!

Students are finishing up their French PowerPoints, as well as their TED Talks. I will provide some final work time on these tomorrow. Most students are close to being finished with the PowerPoint. Both are due on Monday and students can work on them at home as well as in school.

Half of the day today was dedicated to the Young People’s Concert Series, and we attended the show Pied Piper of Hamlin by Axis Theatre. We enjoyed the production and I look forward to seeing our next one in January.

Have a good evening!