November 10 Update

I hope everyone enjoyed their day off today, especially with the lovely weather we had!

I wanted to thank everyone for their contributions to our Remembrance Day Assembly on Tuesday November 10th, which went very well. Thank you to Kane, Daniel, Emma, Henry, Tove, and Amy for speaking in front of the whole school about both poppies and our art. Thank you to everyone for making the lovely poppies displayed around the gym. Some of these art pieces will be posted at the front of the school along with our Division 5 wreath of poppies made with the quilling technique. The rest of the poppies will soon be hung up in our classroom.

I had news from the Association of Professional Engineers that we will be able to have an engineer come by and do an activity with our class the week of November 25th, so that is great! More details as I receive them from the presentation’s organizer.

We completed our math projects on Tuesday and continued to work on French. We made a goal of having 10 French tests online completed by end of week, and everyone will have some more time tomorrow to work if needed.

We watched a movie by Disney Imagineers on Levers and Pulleys which explained how these simple machines work and how they are used in amusement park rides at Disneyland. Afterwards, Ms. D brought out a large wood plank and wood fulcrum and asked students to use this lever to lift her in the air. We discovered that by moving the fulcrum closer to the load, Ms. D, the amount of force or effort needed to complete the work of lifting an adult on the lever was reduced. Afterwards, students were provided with a set of supplies including hot glue, popsicle sticks, coffee stirrers, a spoon, paperclips, rubber bands and string, and were given 30 minutes to build a catapult using levers that would launch a marshmallow as far as possible. We will continue building on Thursday morning, and I asked everyone to please do research on catapults for ideas. We will further discuss the differences between first, second and third class levers tomorrow, as well.

Also due on Thursday are the technology positive and negatives worksheet, as well as the simple machines scavenger hunt. Scholastic orders are due Friday (and if you ordered before, the order is on its way.)

By the way, the reason I put the date in the post title is so that you know what day I am recapping in my post. WordPress, which I use to create the blogs, is housed on servers located on the east coast. Thus, when I am making an update for November 9 on the evening of November 9, it posts it for the next day, as on the east coast it is tomorrow. For that reason, please see the date in the title for the day I am talking about. I won’t post every day, so students should always refer to their agendas for homework, not the blog.

Have a great evening and see you tomorrow!