Even though we are expected to do our part to help stop the spread of COVID 19 by staying home, getting some daily exercise and fresh air for children is critical for their mental health, and can be done within the physical distancing guidelines of keeping 2 meters apart from those who aren’t in your household and maintaining good respiratory hygiene (e.g. cover that sneeze with your elbow). Here are a few ideas:

  • go for a bike ride along the Central Valley Greenway
  • take a walk in the neighbourhood
  • supervise your kids as they climb a tree
  • walk to a nearby park for a game of frisbee, tag or just to smell the flowers
  • play an outdoor Scavenger Hunt (e.g. Find something green, take a picture of a flower, find something soft, etc…)

Please share your ideas in the comments section so we can support each other to keep our kids healthy, inside and out!