Free Grades Music illustration and pictureSeptember 1, 2024.

Dear Singers:

We are beyond excited to begin our first rehearsal for the new Corovoce season!  It’s a short season so fasten your seatbelts!  We have 8 rehearsals before our first District Performance on Monday, December 2!  More information to come about this later but be sure to reserve the date now!

Here is the registration form that needs to be filled out and brought to our first rehearsal on Monday, September 16 at 3:30.  Please fill it out and insert a current picture so we can get to know you!  Payment is $100 for the year and includes materials, a t-shirt, and other related costs for the choir.  Please note, none of our teachers and helping students are paid.  We volunteer our time because we love to sing!

Click here for the registration form.

Corovoce registration form 2024

I will also be sending out a hard copy of a handout of important dates to note at our first rehearsal.  I will also post it here next week.

We look forward to seeing our new singers on September 16 at 3;30 at South Slope Elementary in the music room (201)

In song,

Mrs. Fierro, Mr. Nguyen, Kurtis and Caeden


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