See You at Kitchener next Tuesday!


See you all at Kitchener, in the gym, on Tuesday, April 9 from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.  After we rehearse with Picollini, we will work on our own repertoire in the music room.

Our last extended rehearsal is next Thursday, April 11 from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.

The next week is the school tour on Thursday, April 18, so NO rehearsal that day.

Our final rehearsal is Thursday, April 25.  More exciting details to come!


Return your consent form for the school tour next Thursday at rehearsal.

Hand out the yellow notices at your home school.

Bring your t-shirt next week ONLY if you need a change in size.  Otherwise, keep it safe and wear it to the concert on April 17! (and April 18!)

More details will be forthcoming regarding the concert  at MJF on April 17.   Stay tuned!

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