Happy Thanksgiving!

This week, we have been talking about Thanksgiving – sharing what we are thankful for, making turkeys during math games and for art. During turkey art and learned how to use tools (acrylic paint, scissors and glue) in an expected and safe way.


Students noted that:

RM: The squeegee slided the paint.
KW: Go flat.
VS: The cardboard puts the paint.
ME: I got a toy squeegee at home, and I pretend to clean the windows.
HF: They’re pretty, like rainbow.

AA: We cut papers.
ZZ: Scissors go down! Because when we fall down, we don’t hurt!
NT: We cut stuff with scissors, paper, not yourself! We did a circle for the eyes.
LL: We put the paper pieces on the recycling bin.
ME: I felt proud because of all my cutting.

After a week full of turkeys, we began to wonder how turkeys became such a big part of Thanksgiving if it was not part of the first Thanksgiving meal. The class decided it must be because they are so delicious.

What will you have for your thanksgiving feast?