Holiday Bingo

We spent our last afternoon before the holidays playing virtual Bingo throughout the school!

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy holiday!

ADST Project~ How To Catch An Elf

Today we used our craft items and recycled materials to build elf traps inspired by the story…


The children worked together in small groups to think, problem solve and create together! They had fun and came up with some fun and festive ideas!

Class Charter

This term, our class has been working together to get to know each other and to build our classroom community.  One aspect of this is our classroom charter.  The children discussed how they want to feel at school and brainstormed ways to achieve this as a group.  We also brainstormed strategies to use when problems arise.  These are what the students agreed upon as a group.  We will continue to reflect upon our class charter throughout the school year.

Goodbye to our Tree!

Yesterday we started our Adopt-a-tree program.  Each student chose and named a tree, followed by some observations and drawings.  Today we arrived at school to find one of the trees in front of the school was being cut down.  It was Conor’s adopted tree named Tilily!
The district employee allowed us to come outside to see what Tilily looked like inside. We talked about the difference between a healthy tree and a dead tree, and shared our observations. Rob, the district arborist, even cut each student a “tree cookie” as a memento! We enjoyed watching them cut the trunk and branches into smaller pieces and get hauled away. All that’s left of Tilily now is a hole and wood shavings. We had a mini “Funeral” for few moments upstairs where we said thank you to the tree for its air-cleaning, shade, branches and beauty.
We then learned how to “read” our tree cookies and examined and identified the outer bark, phloem, cambium, sapwood, growth rings and heartwood. Lots of great discussions around seasons of growth and beetle damage too.
Such a neat opportunity!

Reading in the Park

We are taking advantage of the beautiful weather and doing more things outside!  Yesterday we spent our Silent Reading time on the swings!

All About Me!

We are spending some time getting to know each other! We created Camp T-shirts and drew our masked and unmasked selves!

Welcome to Division 7!

We are happy to welcome back all of the kids to school and are excited to have them join us in “Camp Robo”!

We welcomed the children the first week with a special bulletin board to let them know how special they all are!


Global Play Day

We had a fun afternoon engaged in PLAY!  We played board games, cards, made crafts, played with stuffies and Lego, chatted and laughed with classmates!


Literacy Week

We had a great week full of fun activities to celebrate Literacy Week! 

We dressed up, participated in fun library activities and trivia, had a Guest Reader from the SFU Men’s Basketball team come to read us a story (and sign team posters!), watched the teachers perform a Reader’s Theatre at our assembly and decorated our class door!

Thank you to all the teachers, parents and students who helped to make this week so successful! 





This term we have started to work on reading and creating maps using legends and symbols.  As a class we created a map of our school grounds!  Next we will work on maps of our neighborhoods!

Students creating a map of our school grounds, including a legend of symbols and a compass rose
Our class map of our school grounds. Each student creating a symbol within the legend to represent a feature on the map! We are learning that it is important that the symbol in the legend matches what we see in the map so that it makes reading the map easy and clear!