Global Play Day 2021

The children engaged in a day of unstructured play on Wednesday.  The idea behind it was to build cooperation and communication skills.  It was to encourage the  kids to create fun and games with one another and to make new connections.

Ms. Khouri reported that after initially talking about cooperation, communication, fair play and inclusion that the children took the ideas to heart and did a wonderful job!  She witnessed many asking others to play or join in on a game.  She noticed when someone was doing something on their own, others would reach out to ask if that is what they wanted to do, or if they’d like to play.  She noticed often big groups of children playing together!  She saw them communicating in many ways including using their newly learned signs and most of all through their laughter!  All in all it was a big success and lots of fun!

Here are a few pictures from the day.  We have a wonderful group of kids in our class and it is nice to see them enjoy one another!