Here are a few card and dice games your child will be learning (most recent games start at the top). You can play at home with your child to practice and reinforce number concepts.
Many math games we play might require: a deck of cards, set of dice, game counters, paper game board templates or mini whiteboards.
- SPEED (two player game)
- You will need a partner and a deck of cards
- Focus: being able to count forward and backward quickly
How to set up your SPEED game board:
Once your game board is set up, divide the remaining deck into two piles- one for you, one for your opponent.
The middle two cards start the game- players simultaneously flip one card over- players can begin to put cards onto either of these piles. When both players cannot put down any more cards; they each simultaneously flip over one card from their outer pile and place onto the original inner pile.
You can only hold FIVE cards in your hand at a time. Continue to pick up cards from your own pile. *Refer to cheat sheet to see the order of cards (counting forward and backward).
Goal of the game: Be the first player to get rid of all of your cards!
- Game of Nine (click below to learn how to play)
- You will need a partner and one set of A-9 cards for your game board
- LUCKY 13 (click below to learn how to play):
- FACE OFF (click below to learn how to play):
- SUM WHAT DICE GAME (click below to learn how to play):
- ON THE DOUBLE (click below to learn how to play):
- PYRAMID (click below to learn how to play):
All you need is a deck of cards.
This game helps to practice recognizing MAKING 10 (or tens partners) quickly.
Making 10 is one strategy you can use when you are adding numbers quickly in your head.
Your starting pyramid will look something like this:
See how the cards are neatly organized into rows?
It is important that you take your time to neatly set up your pyramid. This will allow you to see your cards clearly, and to see which cards are open for you to use and which ones are locked.
This game is really fun because you can play it anywhere. And you are challenging yourself each time you play!
All you need is a deck of cards. (take out face cards: J, Q, K cards)
This is a game to recognize and sequence numbers quickly… and with a bit of luck! Click below to learn how to play!
Your starting game board will look like this:
Your winning game board will look something like this:
*To view more math fact fluency games click here