EPIC! Online Books

Your child has an EPIC book account through our class; click below:

Our class code: mlg3145

EPIC is free and accessible anytime between *7 am to 3 pm MONDAY- FRIDAY.

*weekend use requires a paid subscription*

Books will soon be added to your child’s Epic reading account. These can be found in their mailbox (top right corner of their account).

Please encourage them to practice reading the books assigned. These are at their reading level, and they would benefit from reading them more than once. They can also click on a word if they are unsure what it means.

Epic is a great way to incorporate literacy into your child’s daily routines. Check out the monthly literacy calendar (under Literacy on our home page) to explore using a variety of Epic books!

Happy Reading!

Students have access to books, audiobooks, and learning videos, This is a great resource to use if your child is at home sick for the day; feel free to have them read on Epic if they are feeling up to it!

