Math Fact Fluency Games

Play Math card games to support your child at home with number fluency. These card games help reinforce and review skills taught in class.

For grade 2’s, by the end of June, they are expected to be able to add to 100 (2 digit plus 2 digit numbers).

For grade 3’s, by the end of June, they are expected to be able to add to 1,000 (3 digit plus 3 digit numbers).

  • You can view some of these games under student links here and additional games to help build numeracy here


  • You can also view some of the math learning standards we will be focusing on over the next few months here


Here are some math card games to play at home:

  • Making tens – Each player has 5 cards. Goal is to have combinations that equal 10. For example, if you have a 6 in your hand, say, “Do you have a 4?” If not, “go fish.” Take a card.
  • Skip counting practice: Flip over 1 or 2 cards to make a number.Take the number and practice counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s to 100 (count forwards and backwards). *Challenge: Flip over 3 cards.
  • Addition war – Divide deck in two for each player. Flip over one card. First person to say the sum gains the cards. Challenge: Each person flips over two cards at the same time to add!
  • Doubles war – Flip over one card at a time. First person to call out the double gains the cards. For example, turn over a 6. 6 doubled, call out 12!
  • Doubles +1 strategy – Flip over one card at a time. First person to call out the double plus one gains the cards. For example, flip over a 6. The question would be 6 + 7  = 13. (6 doubled plus one)
  • +2 strategy – Flip over two cards. First person to call out the next number counting by two’s gains the cards. The idea is that rather than calculating, the automatic response is to count up by two’s instead. Then practice subtracting by two’s for the -2 strategy.
  • +10 strategy – Flip over one or two cards. First person to call out +10 gains the cards. Then practice -10.
  • +9 strategy – Flip over any number from 1 to 10. Each number, add 9. If they can quickly add +10, then +9 is just one less. For example, flip a 6. Think 6 + 10 = 16 but one less = 15.



  • If you have an iPad, download the app called Math Tappers
  • This will help your child learn and master their math facts to 20 quickly
  • There is also Math Tappers: Multiples (to learn multiplication and division facts)