Back to School!

Good evening Division 1 students and families!

I thought about making this post a video, but then I would have to tidy my house, so instead, here is me in my Animal Crossing house!


Although I know this wasn’t how any of us likely planned to spend our break, I hope you still had a restful and enjoyable two weeks.  Spring Break has officially come to an end, and as you probably know by now, returning to school is going to look a little bit different this year due to Covid-19 social distancing restraints.

We will not be going into the school tomorrow, even me!

Are we still doing school then?  Yes!  What this means is that for the time being we will transition our school time to an online learning system.  What is that going to look like exactly? Well, we don’t quite know for sure yet.  Please remember that this is new for everyone and that myself, Ms. Carson, and the rest of the school district don’t have all the answers figured out just yet.  What I do know is that our learning is going to continue, but it might have to look a little bit different as far as our ongoing projects and assignments.  My promise to you is that I am here to support you and your learning as always and that when I am given new information I will pass it on to you.

Here’s what I need from you.

Please treat this next week just like you would for a regular school week.  Get up, have breakfast, but (by about 9:30 am) instead of coming to school you will come here, to my blog!  (Getting dressed is optional 😀 )  I will make a post each morning with tasks for you to complete.  We will likely follow a similar routine as our normal weekly schedule.  That means that for Monday we will have some math, language arts,  and art.  I will also make sure you get some exercise every day!

Things you will need:  Access to a computer or other device on which you can visit the blog and complete assignments.  Not every assignment is going to be completed on a computer, but you will need to check in and eventually submit your work online.  You should also have a designated work space clear of distractions.

Thank you for making it all the way to the end of this message!  If you’re still reading this, please also remember to breathe.  This is a stressful and confusing situation, but trust me when I say that everything is going to be ok.  We will get through this together!  If you have any questions or worries along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email (  I am looking forward to embarking on this new adventure with all of you wonderful learners!

Take a deep breath and I will see you back here tomorrow morning.

Ms Baird

Grade 7 Grad Survey

Attention Grade 7s! Please click the link below to help decide this year’s theme for the Gr 7 Grad dinner and evening of fun!


Spirit Wear!

Show your school spirit!  The Buckingham PAC is selling spirit wear t shirts, long sleeve t shirts, hoodies, and sweatpants.    Sizes will be available to try on outside the office on Tuesday and Thursday.  Orders can be placed through the school site on munchalunch or via the paper order form sent home with the students today.

Go bears!

Last Day of Term 2!

End of Term Celebration!

Friday March 13th is the last day of school before Spring Break!

March 13th is also World Sleep Day!  We will all be exhausted after Term 2 and getting our report cards! 

To celebrate, we will be having a PJ, sleeping bag, and blanket fort day! 

Come to school with your PJ’s, blankies, and favourite cuddly friends.

Healthy (peanut free) snacks to share are also welcome 🙂 

As March 14th is Pi Day (3/14) I will be bringing some pie to share 🙂

Image result for blanket fort

A Note From Ms. Wilson

Hello Division 1 and 2 Parents and Students, 

As Term 2 draws to a close and I am working on report cards I wanted to touch base regarding missed assignments.  Last term I sent each student in both divisions and their parent(s) an email with a detailed list of any missing work, as well as a drop dead date any missed assignments needed to be handed in by.  As we move farther into the year and are further developing our time management and organizational skills, I wanted to touch based and confirm I will not be sending out a similar email this term.  Each student is responsible for remaining up to date on assignments and tracking what they have and have not done.  Of course, if a student or parent would like to send me an email ( confirming what was missing I will respond with a similar list.  Once all assignments are marked and a term grade is assigned I will email any parents whose child is not where they need to be for this stage in the year.  Additionally, please keep in mind that topics covered this term are different than topics covered last term and so if there are changes to grades within subjects this is not something to be alarmed about, and is instead an indication of what your child’s strengths and stretches are for specific subject matter. 

Thank you for your continued support, 

Ms. Wilson

Pink Shirt Day / Jump Rope For Heart

Image result for pink shirt day 2020

Wednesday February 26th is Pink Shirt Day.  Please remember to wear a PINK shirt to show your commitment to being kind!

Image result for jump rope for heart 2020 canada

Thursday is our Jump Rope for Heart celebration.  Please wear RED.  

Grade 7’s should arrive at 8:30 am to set up their stations in the gym.  Wear gym strip and a red shirt.

Jump Rope For Heart!

Today was the kick off for our annual Jump Rope for Heart Event!

Please work together with your family to fund raise for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  Our JRFH event will be held Thursday, Feb. 27

Ms. Baird jumped rope 64 times in 30 seconds! Do you think you can beat me?!? Let’s all keep our hearts healthy! ♥️

If you have your own jump rope you prefer to use, please bring it to PE.

Speech Content Rubric

Don’t forget to review the judging criteria while you practice your speech this weekend and complete any final edits.

We will be looking for:

Volume, clarity, expression, pace, body movement and posture, gestures, eye-contact, content ideas, content organization, and over all performance effect.

Your speech must also be between 3-5 minutes.

Good luck! And have fun with it 😀