Weekly Assignments – May 25-29

Weekly Assignments Chart – May 25-29 Hello and welcome to week 8 of distance learning! We will have our class meetings on Monday and Wednesday at 11:00 am again this week, and I will be making phone calls according to the schedule. Please click here for this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart – May 25-29. Math! […]

Hero of the Week – Winona LaDuke

May 25-29 “Be the ancestor your descendants would be proud of.” –  Winona LaDuke Winona LaDuke is an internationally renowned activist working on issues of sustainable development, renewable energy, and food systems. She lives and works on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota, and is a two-time vice presidential candidate in the United States. […]

Virtual Event Friday, May 22: IDAHAT Reimagined Celebration

This Friday the Burnaby School District’s SOGI Committee will be hosting a virtual version of the 7th annual International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHAT) event. Usually, the event is an in-school breakfast focused on high school students, but this year, the event is open for students K-12 and their families. There will be a […]

Hero of the Week – Mona Haydar

May 19-22 “The more I learn, the more I recognize that it’s actually everybody’s job to be more kind and more loving and more generous all the time.” – Mona Haydar Mona Haydar is an American rapper, poet, activist, and chaplain. Her EP is Barbarican (2018), and she is best known for her viral song “Hijabi (Wrap My Hijab),” a […]

Weekly Assignments – May 19-22

Happy Tuesday, Division 2! Weekly Assignments Chart – May 19-22 This week started with a national holiday, Victoria Day, so we just have 4 days of school this week. Please click here for this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart – May 19-22! Math: We have been developing an understanding of decimals over the past few weeks, […]