Weekly Assignments – May 25-29

Weekly Assignments Chart – May 25-29

Hello and welcome to week 8 of distance learning! We will have our class meetings on Monday and Wednesday at 11:00 am again this week, and I will be making phone calls according to the schedule.

Please click here for this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart – May 25-29.

Math! Fractions! Woot!

Math 8.1: Please view the post “Simplify Fractions”  in the How To… section of this site.

Simplify Fractions

Numerator and Denominator poster | Teaching ResourcesGB 5/6 S: February 2017

Math 8.3:Garden or House Plan design

  1. Find a page of graphing paper, or make your own grid by using a ruler and a pencil. Mark each centimetre, and use the ruler to draw a straight line along each. *You can use as many squares as you like, but an easier number to work with will be 100 squares*
  2. Design your garden or house plan however you like! Choose whatever plants you like, or whatever rooms you want!
  3. Count how many squares each part of your garden/house takes up. Write those numbers as fractions. If in your garden the tomatoes take up 24 squares, and your garden is 280 squares total, your fraction will be . If your kitchen takes up 24 squares and your house is 100 squares total, your fraction will be .
  4. After you have written all of your fractions, try simplifying them. Simplifying fractions means finding the equivalent fraction with the lowest numbers. To do this, you need to divide the numerator (top number) and the denominator (bottom number) by the same number, so it has to be a common factor. For example, can be simplified to  because both 24 and 100 are divisible by 4.
  5. Take a photo of your design and fractions, and post it to your assignment on Teams!

See the examples in the two videos below:

Literacy: Please listen to Front Desk Chapters 26-30 (Literacy 8.1), and then Chapters 31-35 (Literacy 8.2). Check ’em out on my new YouTube channel by following the links posted in the assignments on Teams or on this website’s Front Desk Chapters page:

Front Desk Chapters

Phys. Ed. 8.2: Print or make your own fitness trail signs that describe a brief activity, such as “20 Jumping Jacks.” Post them around your house using tape, complete the activity each time you arrive at the sign location. For example, a sign on the refrigerator might you to “Do 15 lunges before opening the refrigerator door.” For a longer break, “hit the trail” to complete the entire circuit of exercises.

You can leave the signs up all day or just during a portion of the day. The download includes one blank sign so you can add or swap out exercises.  Follow this link to find Fitness Trail Signs.

Canadian Provinces and Territories Worksheet (With images ...Social Studies 8.2: Check out the Canadian Encyclopedia website. Read about natural resources across Canada https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/resources. At the bottom of the page, there is a list of natural resources organized by province. Choose ONE province or region to read about, and find its primary natural resource. On the map in the document on Teams, write the province’s name in the appropriate spot, followed by the main natural resource(s) of that province or region.

Natural Resources by Province or Region

Natural Resources in British Columbia
Natural Resources in the Territories
Natural Resources in Alberta
Natural Resources in Saskatchewan
Natural Resources in Manitoba
Natural Resources in Ontario
Natural Resources in Quebec
Natural Resources in the Atlantic Provinces


Sand, soil, gravel, and layers of all three. Most students predicted that soil would sprout the seeds the fastest.

Science 8.4: In Monday’s class meeting, we started a science experiment. Please watch the video below to see the steps I took. Fill out the first three sections of the Science 8.4 worksheet on Teams, and make your predictions on which seed will sprout the fastest in which type of earth material. This week, we will be able to complete the first three steps to the scientific method: Ask a Question, Make a Prediction, and Make a Plan and Follow It. Please see the photo here for inspiration/framework of how to compose your question, your prediction, and for the steps of the plan.

Responsibility: This week’s Personal and Social Responsibility activities are all about mental wellness during this time. Good food, exercise, and sleep are as important as ever, so let’s practice good habits!

Common Tools and Found Objects for Your Mixed Media ArtRecycle! Print with Packaging Materials by Birgit Koopsen ...Art 8.1: Use found/recycled objects as printmaking tools. Look around your home for recycled objects (such as toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, old toothbrushes, etc.) you could use to make marks. Using paint, cover part of the objects, and stamp them onto a piece of paper or cardboard. See what types of designs you can create using a variety of objects.

Art 8.2: Make a flip book animation, using the corners of a notebook or cut pages stapled together:

Circle Mosaic' Online Photo Effect for Your ImageArt 8.3: Draw a circle mosaic.  Using only circles (try tracing bottle tops, cups, or other round things) create an image, then colour it in using whatever medium you wish.


Mystery Message: Can you translate the message from ASL or French into written English? Comment on this post if you can! Bonus points if you can answer my question in ASL and/or French (send me a video). 

Mrs. Lee guest stars in this video with a trickier-than-usual ASL message! Click here: https://youtu.be/F1T7VaP–5Y

2 thoughts on “Weekly Assignments – May 25-29

  • Hello the class, I am happy having to see all of you in June. ms Anderson,julie and I are happy to see you in beautiful, pretty June.

    I think I don’t think I know all of these words in sign or French next time may you please slow down. (:

    • Bonjour Jenica!
      Tres bien. You were able to translate the message very well! The last phrase is just slightly different. I’ll let you and others keep trying before giving the answer.
      This week’s message was much faster and longer than usual!

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