june 4 2015

hot lunch next fri

cultus lake notice tues

pro d day fri

science project due tues

summary due wed

me to we script mon

start third story next sat mid night


June 3 2015

math5 grid paper and quiz signed Thursday

math6 pg 257# 1-3

book talk summary tues google docs

pro d day  fri

science project tues

me to we script Monday


june 2 2015

look at Monday


june 1 2015

math6 pg 250 #1-8

look at Thursday

slurpies wed

reading quiz

me to we tomorrow were right clothes

Qns for study


Loonie Swim Tuesday June 2nd 2015

Hello Division 3,
If someone in your family has volunteered to drive to our Loonie Swim, please let them know we look forward to seeing them at 8:50am this Tuesday morning. Our swim starts at 9:30 and ends at 11am. Thanks to all parents in advance for helping us out with this event!

may 29 2015

Look at Thursday


may 28 2015

math5 quiz on Monday

look at Tuesday

band notice

volunteer tea


may 27 2015

math 5 worksheet and Qns

fun rec. camp

story 6 fri

science project

me to we scripts

book talk

swim notice

volunteer tea

grade 6 dance fri

story quiz


may 26 2015

math5 quiz Fri pg 158#2-5+8

pay tom

swimming notice

volunteer tea

me to we scripts

art tomorrow

story 6 fri

science project

6/7 dance

book talk the 16 – 17

story quiz wed



may 25 2015

math 5 pg 216 #2-5+8

story # 2 tues

story 5 tues

story 6 fri

grade 6 dance

science june 10

book talk new due date june 11

me to we scripts memerised
