September,17 2015

1. Notice package (tom)
2. City game notices (to read only)
3. Newsletter (Mon/Tues$100 city game)
4. Parent interview notice (Mon)
5. Music notice
6. Resume(students)
Optional Safety patrol notice(some kids)
7. Entertainment book notice
Grade 6’s only Immunization notice(next Tues)

September 16 2015


1. Safety Patrol Notice (Next Tues.)
2. Name tags due for those who did not finish (Thurs.)
3. Envelope of notices due this Thursday/Friday (Payments can be made on line)
4. Gym strip (Thurs)
5. Money sheet is completed and handed in (Thurs.)
6. Newsletter from Mrs. Zanette (Green) Please sign for next Mon/Tues.
7. Parent teacher interview notice (Hand in soon please, before next Mon/Tues.

September 15 2015


1. Our first Cross Country Practice is at 8am tomorrow. Please bring your signed permission form.
2. P.E strip for Thursday.
3. Remember to have the envelope of notices signed by Thursday or Friday. Payments on line can be made now.

Please note that this homework board is updated by students.

September 14 2015


1. Envelope of notices from the Office
2. Sprouts Chef notice
3. Parks and recreation notice
4. Bring duotangs tommorow
5. P.E strip tomorrow: a shirt, shorts/pants and runners

June 16 2015

French test tomorrow

math5 quiz tomorrow

bistro on Thursday

sports day on Friday were your colour

hot lunch friday

story #3 due tomorrow

bring fork cup knife and plate on Thursday


June 12 2015

look at wednsday


June 11 2015

Look at Wednsday

SMILE!:)! 🙂 ! 🙂 ! 🙂 !

June 10 2015

math5 chart drawing Wed + mini Quiz next week

sports day hot lunch

Cultus lake Monday

math6 sheet

science Quiz  and presentation tomorrow

book talk presentation Friday

story #3 Tuesday

bike fair Friday

bank clerk books due tomorrow

s.s Qn’s

bring lidrary books this week


June 9 2015

~ Math5 chart drawings wed

~story #3 (Tues)

~Chior wear black tom


~sports day hot lunch

~ cultus lake

book talk summary

~SMILE!!!!!!  : )

june 8 2015

math5 3d chart wed

cultus lake tues notice

hot lunch sports day

me to we script

science project tues

book talk summary

story #3 sat midnight
