Monday Oct. 5th 2015

1.Grade 6 math (due wed)
2.Grade 5 math (due wed)
3.comfort kits (due tues)
4.Scholastic (due wed)
5.P.E. (TUES)


October 1 2015
1. comfort kits (Next Tues.)
2. Toonies/Loonies for terry
3. Grade 6 math sheet(tom)
4. Grade 5 math (P.G. 40-41 #1-4.)
5.Terry fox run. Dress for the weather.


1.comfort kits. (Due next Tuesday)
2.Terry fox run (Friday) Toonies/Loonies for Terry are being collected this week starting Thursday.
3.Scholastic (Next Wed)
4.P.E. strip (tom)
5.Grade 5 math PG 38 #1-6 (Thurs.)


September 29 2015
1. Scholastic form (Due next Wed)
2. Comfort kits (next Tues)


September 28 2015
1. safety patrol meeting (Tom)
2. scholastic forms (Next Wed)
3. Review money quiz
4. P.E. strip tommorow


September 24 2015
1. No school (tom) 🙂
2. receive jobs (Mon)
3. immunization form


September 23 2015
1. Math (grade 6)
2. Resumes (tom)
3. Pro-d day (Fri)
4. Early dismissal (tom)
5. Immunization (form grade 6)
6. P.e strip (tom)


September 22 2015
1. money quiz (Mon)
2. pro-d day (Friday):)
3. early dismissal (Wed and Thurs)
4. parent teacher interview (Wed and Thurs)
5. Resumes (students)(Wed)


September 2015
1. Safety patrol training (Mon)
2. parent interview/early dismissal(Wed and Thurs)
3. pro-d day (Friday)
4. immunization 6 grade’s

September 18 2015

1. Study for money quiz (Mon,Tues)
2. Parent newsletter (Mon,Tues$100 city game)
3. Parent interview(Mon)
4. City game notice read(Mon)
5. Grade 6 immunization notice(next Thurs)
6. Music notice
7. Entertainment book notice