Wednesday March.2nd

  1. Math.5 pg 129-130 1-3 (a-b) 4-5
  2. scholastic (March.9)
  3. seating plan (Tom)
  4. application (tom)
  5. Bank clerk books (Mon)
  6.  Choir schedule
  7. boy in striped pyjamas notice (Mon)

Tuesday Mar.1st

  1. Math.5 (tom)
  2. math.6 (tom)
  3. Movie Night Notice (tom)
  4. scholastic(mar.9) other scolastic due (samday)
  5. French HMK (tom)
  6. Notice
  7. pay (thurs)
  8. Bank clerk books (MON)
  9. auction Items (FRI)

Monday Feb .29th

  1. math.5 pg.124-125 #3-7 and 10 get test sighed (Wed)
  2. math.6 pg.182-183 #1-reflect (Wed)
  3. Movie night form (march 2nd)
  4. scholastic (march 9th)

Friday Feb.26th

  1. Math.5 pg.124 #1 all get test sighed (Mon)
  2. science 2-3 verbs for each respiratory precess(Mon)
  3. Movie Night form
  4. scholastic (march.9)

Thursday Feb.25th

  1. math.6 worksheet (tom)
  2. 2-3 verbs for each Colin (Mon)
  3. scholastic (March.9)
  4. Movie Night form (Wed)
  5. Hot Lunch (Tom)

Wednesday Feb.24th

  1. math.5 test (tom)
  2. math.6 worksheet (tom)
  3. scholastic (march.9th)
  4. Movie Night form (march 2nd)
  5. Gr.7 bake sale (tom)
  6. Hot Lunch (fri)

Tuesday FEB.23 2016

  1. math.5 pg.107#6-9pg.115 swk #18-21
  2. math.6 pg. 174 #6-reflect
  3. pink shirt day (tom)
  4. reading groups
  5. French Etre hmk (tom)
  6. scholastic ( march 9)
  7. Math.5 test (thurs)
  8. Hot lunch (fri)

Thursday Feb.18 2016

  1. math.5 pg.107 #6-9 swk 18-21 pg.115
  2. math.6 pg.174 #6-reflect(Mon)
  3. Anne Frank  (Mon end of comp.)
  4. extension (Mon)
  5. pro-d day (tom)

Wednesday feb.17th 2016

  1. math.5 pg 111 #3+4 swk pg 15 14-17 (feb.18 test)
  2. math.6 pg.124 #1-5
  3. S.S  project (tom) if want a extension show Miss.Yip
  4. Anne frank (fri 12:00 pm)
  5. movie night notice ( march 2)
  6. Anne Frank movie (tom)
  7. hot lunch notice due(tom)

Tuesday Feb.16th 2016

  1. math.5pg.110 #1-2 swk 10-12a (a) 13
  2. math.6 pg.168#1-5,6,9,11 reflect
  3. S.S good copy (thurs)
  4. Anne frank(fri 12:00)
  5. movie night form (march2)