Tuesday April 19

1. math test (Thurs)

2. book fair (Tues-Thurs)

3. student LED’s (Thurs)

4. early dismissal 1:47

5. hot lunch(Fri)

6. study french sentence’s

7. spring fair baskets

*. wear black bottom’s choir.

8. novel study journal #1

Monday April 18

1. math 5 pg. 153-154 #3,5,9 pg. 144 #6 +pg. 147, 150, 154 reflect(due Mon)  test(Wed)

2. jump rope heart(due Tom)

3. student LED’s (Thurs)

4. book fair (Tues-Thurs)

5. book journal #1 (due Fri)

6. trade speech(due Tom)

7. hot lunch(Fri)

8. spring fair basket item(due may 7)

Friday April 15

1. math 5 pg. 153-154 #3,5,9 pg. 144 #6 +pg. 147, 150, 154 reflect(due Mon)  test(Wed)

2. jump rope heart(due 19)

3.trade agreement(due Mon)

4.spring fair notice(due May 8)

5.we are silent(Mon)

6.book fair(Tues-Thurs)

7. novel study journal(Fri)

*.choir notice

Thursday April 14 2016

  1. Math.5 pg.157 #6+reflect pg.159#12-15
  2. math.6 nothing
  3. Hot lunch notice (tom)
  4. Bake sale (tom)
  5. Jump rope for heart (tues)
  6. Notice on spring fair basket – sports is our theme! (may 13)
  7. Trade Agreement Package (mon)
  8. Novel Study Page 1 front and back (tom)

Wednesday April 13, 2016

  1. Math 5 pg. 153-154 #1-2, 4, 6-8 and Signed Reflection Sheet (purple) due tomorrow
  2. Math 6 pg. 232 #1-Reflection
  3. Bake Sale Tomorrow
  4. Hot Lunch Notice due Friday
  5. French (first page front and back) due tomorrow
  6. Jump Rope for Heart due April 19th
  7. Trade Agreement Sheets due Monday April 18th

Tuesday April 12

1. math 5 pg. 149-150(due Wed)

1. math 6 pg. 229-230 #1-8 or 1-reflect(due Wed)

2. hot lunch notice (due Fri)

3. jump rope for heart notice (due April 19)

4. pay(due Thurs)

5. french(due Thurs)

6. bake sale(Thurs)

*. choir notice(Fri)

*. bank clerk books(due Mon)




Monday April 11

1. math 5 pg. 149-150(due Wed)

1. math 6 pg. 229-230 #1-8 or 1-reflect(due Wed)

2. hot lunch notice (due Fri)

3. jump rope for heart notice (due April 19)

4. novel study ideas  (due Tom)

*. country ID (Tom)

Friday April 8

1. math 5 pg. 147 #1-5(due Mon)

1. math 6 work sheet(due Mon)

2.jump rope for heart(due April 19)

*. scholastic(due April 11)

3. country ID(due Tues)

Thursday April 7

1. math 5 take home quiz

2. jump rope for heart(due April 19)

3.  country ID(due Mon)

*. scholastic (due April 11)

*. student L.E.D notice (due Tom).

Wednesday April 6

1. math  5  pg. 144 #3-5,7-8.

2. student L.E.D notice (due tom)

3.  jump rope for heart (due April 19)

4. french (due tom)

*scholastic (due April 11)